questions and tips I have for humanity

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stop screaming at people for being sexist. You feminist (only some feminist) think every man is sexist. You think women have higher order then men. No. You don't. You have the same order as men. If you think about it, you are a sexist. Remember, the hammer of justice is unisex.

On the other hand, I do believe women should have a few more rights. Women have it a lot worse then men but some make a bigger deal than the one that needs to be made. But seriously, females are the ones that are dealing with menstruation and maternity.


Why is everyone worrying about gender? Don't call me an atheist, a trump lover, a white supremacist, a kkk member or whatever stereo typical american slurs ya got. I don't think gender is based off what you feel. I do think Its ok if you become trans, but please get the surgery. I feel like we should go by biological genders. Like, there used to be two but now it's a really sensitive subject. Why? Why can't you check your pants and say "Oh I'm a male/female." Why are you all like "I don't have a gender you racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, pig." Like, stop with the they/them unless you're more than one person. This is my own opinion so shush.....btw stop making up genders. Idc about my pronouns but I'm a female. Also, you are beautiful the way you are and don't have to change yourself in anyway to know that.


Im a lesbian so yeah.

Stop yelling at pan and bi ppl pls.

They are LGBTQ+ ppl too.

Stop bashing on them for "willingly being in a hetero sexual relationship"

Love is never a choice.

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