Ch. 2: No Quarter

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Marcel had called me over to his place to talk to me about a new development.

"So, what's the issue?" I asked.

"Some vampires tracked Hayley to Austin, Texas, where she was attacked while visiting one of the locals," Marcel answered. 

"Well, it's not the first time someone's tried and failed to take down Hayley," I told him.

"True, but this time she wasn't the only one they were tracking," Marcel told me. "The other target, whoever she was with, she must have been important. So I did some digging. Does the name Malraux ring a bell?"

I nodded. "The Malraux pack was wiped out by Lucien over five years ago."

"So everyone thought," Marcel told me. "But the woman Hayley met with is in fact the last of the line."

I realized where he was going with this, chuckling in amusement. "If Hayley found the Malraux, she could have the venom from all seven packs. Which means there's a chance she could have the cure for your bite."

"And if she does, she could wake the Mikaelsons," Marcel told me.

"They could be on their way right now," I told him. "Which is more than likely."

"Just don't tell me you told me so again," Marcel told me. "You already said that yesterday. I just wanted to warn you in case they're already here."

I nodded, rolling my eyes, amused by the fact that we already knew they were coming for Klaus, and I had told Marcel that they would come for a while now.


I walked into my own loft, walking toward the table, pouring myself a drink, hearing something and recognizing the presence of Rebekah and Elijah, knowing that they were already here, sighing. "Please, help yourself to anything you'd like." I turned around to see them walk in. "I got bourbon, blood."

"Thank you for the offer, Noah, but we are not here for drink or food," Elijah told me.

"Besides, we just ate," Rebekah told me.

"Oh, that's too bad," I told them sarcastically. "If you don't want blood, I have some welcome back waffles." Rebekah chuckled in amusement. Elijah gave me an unamused look. I smirked, rolling my eyes, taking a drink. "What do you want?"


Rebekah and Elijah were arguing while I was drinking.

"I can distract him, Elijah," Rebekah told him. "I'm the only one Marcel won't kill on sight."

"Don't talk to me about some ludicrous diversion," Elijah told her. "You are walking into a lion's den."

"I'll be fine," Rebekah told him. "I just have to convince him that I've come alone, and all I want to do is talk."

"You are placing yourself in tremendous danger," Elijah told her. I sighed, turning away to pour another drink, rolling my eyes. "Wouldn't you agree, Noah?" 

I turned to face them, nodding. "Yeah. But we both know you're not gonna talk Rebekah out of this, Elijah, so, Rebekah, when you see Marcel, tell him that I told him this is exactly what would happen."

"Yes, I am aware that you didn't agree with Marcel's decisions as of late," Elijah told me. "Even if you are one of his most trusted friends, almost like brothers. He listens to you."

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