Ch. 5: I Hear You Knocking

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Being at the sacrifice, Klaus and Marcel had been affected by the Hollow when they were trapped in the circle of fire. 

And while no one wanted me involved because any one of us could get hurt or killed because of this, I knew that the Hollow tried to turn Klaus and Marcel against each other so much that they tried to kill each other.

Luckily, Freya and Elijah were able to stop them from fighting to the death.

I didn't know if Klaus and Marcel were free from the Hollow's influence, but I know that the Mikaelsons were keeping an eye on both of them.

And I wasn't sure how, but whatever was going on had to end before someone else got taken over, or before someone else got hurt.

*Sorry for the recap chap, but I just couldn't picture forcing Noah anywhere into the storyline for the episode. He's arguing with the Mikaelsons, and Marcel and Sofya were key in the episode, since Sofya turned out to be bad in the last scene, so... Besides, Vincent wasn't even in the episode, which made me kind of sad. This whole Hollow storyline seems to be tied specifically to Vincent, so you think they would show him in this episode, but oh well. Noah will be back in action in the next chapter/episode :)*

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