Ch. 12: Voodoo Child

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Klaus, Elijah, Marcel, Vincent and I were talking in the lycee about the Hollow being back.

"Impossible," Klaus told us. "Whatever those thieving acolytes are up to, they function independently of the Hollow. Hayley killed her, I saw the corpse through my own eyes."

"Her body is dead, Klaus," Vincent told him. "That's not enough."

"What are you saying?" Elijah asked.

"I'm saying that by now, the Ancestors should've been able to imprison her spirit," Vincent answered. "That didn't happen. The spirit's still out there. So she must've had a plan B."

"No doubt," Klaus told him. "Perhaps they had assistance. Tell me, were you a part of it."

"Oh, come on, man," I told him. "Hey, back off. All right, look, I trust Vincent."

"Look, I don't care if--I don't care if any of you trust me, to be perfectly honest," Vincent told us. "Because unlike any of you, I have been doing something. I've been spending the past couple of days trying to figure out a way to lock the Hollow up for good."

"And do you have any answers?" Elijah asked.

"Yes," Vincent answered. "And now. I used the book to put myself into a trance."

"Which book are you talking about?" Elijah asked.

"The book he found," I answered. "Contains the secrets of the Hollow's magic. Written in his handwriting."

"Ah, well, you can see how no part of this filled me with a modicum of confidence," Klaus told us, turning away to start pacing.

Vincent ignored him. "And while I was in that trance, I met with the spirit of Inadu's mother. From her, I was trying to get the same spell that she used 1500 years ago to put her daughter down. Now, that's when those acolytes showed up and stopped me."

Klaus turned to face him. "Well, what are you waiting for? Get back to work."

"The acolytes took the book," Marcel told them.

"I have a library full of grimoires," Klaus told us. "Take your pick."

"Klaus, I don't need your library," Vincent told him. "That book is special. That book represents an extension of the Hollow's power into this world, all right? It is just as eternal as she is. And I'm telling you right now, if I tweak that spell in just the right way, I can lock her in the book and put the Hollow down for good."

"So where is it now?" Elijah asked.

"It's still with the acolytes," Vincent answered, picking up a page from the book from the nearby table to show us. "I used this page from the book to track them to the place where she was reborn. That's where you'll find them."

Elijah took the page. "Niklaus."

Elijah and Klaus walked out of the tomb.

Marcel turned to follow. "Wait, I'm going with you."

Marcel followed Klaus and Elijah, leaving.

I turned to go with. 

Vincent stopped me. "Noah, we got something that we need to deal with."

I looked at him in confusion.


Vincent was pouring a circle of salt on the floor of the tomb, talking to me. "So now the only way for us to trap the Hollow is to get that spell from Inadu's mother."

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