Ch. 7: High Water and a Devil's Daughter

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The next morning after the party, I was in the backroom of Rousseau's, drinking from a bottle, hearing someone walk in from behind me, turning to see Freya, a little surprised and confused to see her after the argument we had at the party last night. "Okay."

"I need a vampire to do a spell," Freya told me. "I need your help."

"Right," I told her sarcastically. "That's ironic. Isn't that exactly what Marcel, Kol and I asked you for the day we tried to bring Davina back?"

"I'm not asking for forgiveness, and I'm not asking for you to like working with me, but Vincent is working with Elijah as we speak, and you know how much Vincent hates my brother," Freya told me. I sighed, knowing she was right, taking a drink. "We're up against a powerful evil spirit with powerful evil followers who's hell bent on sacrificing my brother as well as your dear friend Marcel. So, are you helping, or are you whining?"

"Well, I want this thing out of my city as much as you do, and even if I did say no, then your brothers would do something really untasteful with my entrails," I told her.

"My brothers don't know I'm here," Freya told me. "I need you to help me set a trap. I get a deal with Dominic on my terms, you're gonna help me keep Marcel breathing. So, you in?"

I was slightly amused and slightly impressed, though I still didn't like it, taking a drink.


Freya and I were in my apartment, where Freya was casting a spell over me, while I was on my knees, cloaking me to look like Marcel, making me scream in agony. "Mutare seu rosto. Mutare seu rosto. Mutare seu rosto. Mutare seu rosto. Mutare seu rosto. Mutare seu rosto." She ended the spell. I fell forward slightly in pain, breathing heavily. "Noah? Noah, hey. Are you all right?" I slowly stood, looking over my body to see that I looked exactly like Marcel. "Say something."

I felt along my face, even more surprised to find that when I started to talk, I sounded like Marcel. "I'm just super overwhelmed by the sheer number of jokes I could make about being in this body. It is an embarrassment of really inappropriate riches."

"Okay, well, when you're done entertaining yourself, I'd love to get back to the life-or-death situation we're dealing with," Freya told me.

"Right," I agreed.

"Thank you," Freya told me. She pointed to a circle made of herbs. "Lay down in the circle." I stepped into the circle. "The second Dominic sets foot in the circle, you get the hell out. Use every bit of vamp speed you got, okay? He can't do magic in the circle, but he does have a weapon strong enough to kill an Original."

"Oh, awesome," I told her sarcastically, kneeling down in the circle. "Hey, Freya, just so you know, I'm mainly doing this because I feel like a dick for the way I acted to you at the party. I mean, you still did what you did, and what I said was the truth, but..."

"But you still feel a little bad about it," Freya finished. "I get it. I feel bad for a lot of things, Noah."

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna apologize officially until someone in your family actually gives an apology for what happened to Davina," I told her. "You know, instead of people just making up justificiations and excuses."

Freya looked down. 


I was laying in the middle of the circle, pretending to be unconscious.

Dominic walked in with two men. He waved his hand over me, chanting to remove the cloaking spell that illusioned I was Marcel. "Liberer a verite a." The spell revealed to the witches that I was actually me. Freya walked into the room, casting a heavy pain infliction spell on Dominic. Dominic groaned in pain and annoyance. "Would someone deal with her?"

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