Reward Giving!

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Because of the nature of the prizes and Wattpad, we need a kind of plan to do these. If you don't remember the prizes, they're below:

Also, for the winners, you'll get:
1. A follow from this account (We'll start from the top, working down.)

2. Votes on ALL your books, even any that are unrelated to anime as a whole (This will require a plan. We'll organise you in an order that we'll reward you in.)

3. Along with some recommendations (This one is more or less relating to the book club we'll have. A winner will be the BOTW every week until all are done.)

4. Getting added to this and my personal account's reading lists (This has already been partially done.)

The runner-ups will recieve:
1. Some lovely votes on the book entered (Any book with more than 76 chapters will only have 75 voted. This is because of the voting restrictions placed on Wattpad.)

2. Be added to a reading list on this profile. (Done already.)

Anyway, my responces to how these will be executed are in bold.

As for the plan, we'll start on Runner-Ups in the order you were tagged in. After that, we'll start on the winners. We'll tag all of you when we start your prize giving to make everything easier.

1. Aaron_Ledgers - Because I Love You (Done.)

hrhamilton - Glass Dragons (Winner!)

break-mwango - Ink Stained (Winner!)

lastwill- - The Wandering Witch (Winner!)

TimmyLail - Demon (Winner!)

sc0pe374 - The Demon Sword: Sorataki (Winner!)

2. TrinityNovels - Hour Empty Child (Runner-Up!)

3. ImperialSun - ISME Saga Book 1- Novus Magus (Runner-Up!)

4. Creaking_Shadow - Virtual Reality: The Awakened Legacy (Runner-Up!)

A_C_Douglas - The Imperial Novice (Winner!)

5. Writer-brooke - The Jewels; Mother of Pearl (Runner-Up!)

6. Old-Tailed-Fox - The Phoenix's Keeper (Runner-Up!)


HikariElric - Arisen From Embers (Winner!)

Jellybeansnc05 - Nothing Good About Me (Winner!)

*The_Furi_Reaper - Let's Rule The World, Shall We? (Winner!)

7. Itachi_S_Lucius - Era's (Runner-Up!)

8. phanismyliterallife - The Sun and Rain (Runner-Up!)

9. DancingLeaf16 - Snapshot (Runner-Up!)

10. LynnHunter13 - Underneath the Sakura Tree (Runner-Up!)

Miss-Atomic-Bomb - The Holy Grail Agency (Winner!)

@cleopatran - An Uchiha At Heart (Winner!)

jongindreams- - Fragile Hearts (Winner!)

baekfordaes - New Flowers (Winner!)

11. -Kyouka- - Karma's Kismet (Runner-Up!)

12. Mortus - Sword Art Online: Isolation (Runner-Up!)

13. Puripuriko - My World, Your Universe (Runner-Up!)

14. Shocker_Girl - Shock Therapy (Runner-Up!)

15. Zafraan - Lapse Phase (Runner-Up!)

KiteWaltzRyder - Daybreak's Bell/ SCHWARTZ; WEISS' (Winner!)

*stardew- - Ephermal: A Journey Of Souls (Winner!)

Calenine - Towers of Windia (Winner!)

RainingStorms - Stormbringer: History of Brothers (Winner!)

16. gidchang - Iron Angel (Runner-Up!)

17. CielSensei - An Aeroplane Crashed Into Me So I've Been Reincarnated as a Skeleton (Runner-Up!)

kidkipp - False Start (Winner!)

greyhavensking - Red Sky Romance (Winner!)

18. _MikuChan_ - My 'Cat' and I (Runner-Up!)

19. Toastagami - Our World (Runner-Up!)

20. graymaar - Gray Color HoC Volume 1: Horrors of The Human Reality (Runner-Up!)

butterballporkbun - What's Your Demon (Winner!)

21. TastyWords16 - Vanishing Evidence (Runner-Up!)

allycatdaone15 - Crimson (Winner!)

22. Upward Swords: A Beginner's Mistake - DaQueenOfKawaii (Runner-Up!)

Arms Alchemy: The Starlight Lancer - CraigCooper9 (Winner!)

23. Tinker1158 - The Ghost of Otherworld Vol.1 (Runner-Up!)

DulcetCynosure - The Butterfly Effect (Winner!)

KRRodriguez - My Modern Kaidan (Winner!)

24. mihara-chan - Second Chance, Delayed (Runner-Up!)

Original Anime Themed Book Awards 2017 EditionWhere stories live. Discover now