3 years of lonely

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For a moment it was just me and Lucas. We were naively happy in 9th grade, thinking no one hated us, especially not one of our own, Smackle, and she wasn't watching us in a corner hug before we say goodbye and take off the 3rd period. No, it was just us and our undying love, but like I said, Just for a moment.

"Would you guys like to come inside and talk?" I heard my mom ask. Lucas pulled away and I knew that now everything was reverting back. And as our arms left I was me again, more well aware of my surroundings and the awful things life brought. My mom didn't work at the bakery anymore after she was fired and now we have to ask our dad for money to survive. As he turned toward my house and took a step towards it I realized how much I missed my old life and how I would give anything to be back in 9th grade again.

As we entered the house my mom gave some lame excuse for leaving us alone to talk and walked upstairs to her room. "thank you" I turned to Riley and Farkle "thank you all so much, but-" I stopped as Zay came busting through the door, panting. "Zay?" I asked. In between breaths Zay tried to make out a sentence "oh...good...youre okay...Riley told me you..were in...trouble..she said you..were crying.." Lucas looked puzzled "Wait...crying?" Riley looked up "yeah you missed some stuff" Farkle scooted away from Zay "why are you so sweaty?" Zay glared at him "well riley told me maya was in trouble, and I don't own a car, so I ran" Rileys eyes widened "Oh my god I am so so so sorry. I should have kept you posted!" she grabbed Zay's hand as Mayas face melted. "I can't believe you ran all the way here to check on me.. you didn't have to do that!" Zay shook head "its alright i needed the exercise anyway." Lucas looked at Riley " So why was maya  crying?" he turned to her "why were you crying?" Riley explained: "She had a little freak out and almost told my dad...everything" the whole group avoid eye contact. "oh god" Farkle said under his breath. Riley looked over at him. Riley had always loved Farkle they were high school sweet hearts until the incident with Smackle they were on polar opposite sides which led to their personal breakup and then the break up of their whole group.


"Farkle I can't live like this!" Riley yelled as tears began pouring down her face

"So you'd rather live in jail?!' he yelled back

Riley frowned "We won't go to jail, Farkle! We'll go on trial! but we can't live in Fear of someone finding out!"

"RILEY are you stupid?! it is 5 against 1! thats what it looks like! and that is what a jury is going to see! That we ganged up one Smackle and blinded her! And then We'll be in Jail!"

Riley shook her head but her tears did not halt " We have to try! We blinded her and we need to take some responsibility!"

farkle ran his fingers through his hair "riley she was crazy. This was not our fault."

riley nodded "And any judge will see that. Smackle was crazy, it was self defense, I mean for god sakes she tried to kill maya and Zay"

Farkle let his head fall "You need to keep your mouth shut."

Riley grabbed her purse, looked him dead in the eye, spit, and walked out.

Flashback over

Riley looked over at Farkle trying to shake off the thought and that horrible time for them.

"Okay" Maya said defending herself "well I didn't! and you know what I'm not the only one that has a little explaining to do!" she turned to Lucas and he looked offended "what? me? what do I have to explain?" maya nodded "You were at my house talking to my mom" Lucas pointed at Riley " She told me you ditched I figured you would go home, geez kill me!" Riley put her hands on her hips "actually it was Zay that said she ditched." Zay opened his mouth to talk "well she did ditch, didn't she? I wasnt wrong, was I? I think what you meant to say is that you Zay, thank you so much." Farkle opened his mouth and then closed it again, he couldn't argue with that. "Okay, okay so what happened after you found her?" Riley sighed "I yelled at her for a while and then i told her you were at her house, and she went running." Zay frowned "yeah why did you get all freaked when you found out lucas was at your house?" Maya looked at Lucas uneasily, okay here we go, I'm gonna become the pity girl. It was a nice life while it lasted..not really. Riley narrowed her eyes "what was that look you two just shared?" Lucas looked at her innocently "What look?" farkle took a step towards maya staring her in the eyes, making maya very uneasy. Riley and Zay shared a look. while lucas couldn't take his eyes off the weird scene. "Maya... you're keeping secrets from us?" he said looking like a lost puppy. Maya had enough. She pulled away from farkles grip "okay last time i checked we were all keeping secrets from each other, you know because non of us are actually friends!" she said with an attitude. Lucas shook his head "Yeah and whose idea was that Maya? Huh? because if I'm remembering correctly you were the one who sid 'we weren't good for each other" maya rolled here eyes and crossed her arms over her chest when all of a sudden Vrrr, Vrrr, Vrrr, beep beep. All of their phones went off, at the same time. They looked at their phones and paled. "oh god" Farkle said under his breath lucas continued his thought "is this a joke?" maya looked over at Zay "this is what i was telling you about" then she looked at riley "Me and Riles have been getting texts like these" despite the situation riley smiled "riles"  maya raised her eyebrows "what?" she smiled again "nothin, peaches" farkle read straight off his phone "RIP, Bitches. Now the only question is whose gonna spill first, Maya or Smackle?" maya sighed "it won't be me, Okay? I'm sorry." Zay nodded "we know, but I'm gonna take off." maya tilted her head "Hey, Zay you can take my car so you don't have to walk home, Riley, Farkle , you too. Just pick me up with it in the morning. I don't have another ride to school." they all nodded and shuffled out leaving just lucas and maya. Once they were alone Lucas let out some air "look, Maya...does anyone know..about your mom?" maya sighed "No" she watched lucass expression and continued " I never really got close with anyone, okay? plus i don't wanna be the girl that everyone pitys." Lucas took a step towards her " Okay, but Maya you need to tell someone..Zay or Riley-" Maya cut him off "they wouldn't understand." lucas nodded" no, maybe not, but you need someone to be there for you, to talk to about her." Mayas expression softened "well i have you now." He smiled when both of their phones went off in unison and Maya tensed. Lucas sighed "thank god its just Mackenzie" Maya looked up at him and saw his smirk. "she wants to meet up" he finally looked up from his phone "who was yours?" Maya gulped i guess i really don't have you. she thought. "umm no one"

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