What a Nice Dream

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Dream takes place at a school

  As I start to wander with my friend, Josie, into the gym, I see a tall man walking into another room.

   I immediately knew who it was.

   Jared Padalecki.

   Josie and I both run into the room.

   Josie isn't a fan of his but she knows I am.
   We both closed the door as fast as we can, but quietly to not disturb anyone.

   Josie knows how big of a moment this is for me and introduces me.

   "Hi, my name is Josie and this is my friend Daisy. She is a big fan of your acting and loves you and your hair...Blah,blah,blah." She says rolling her eyes. "Oh! Ok. I thought I was going to get a good introduction to one of my idols!" I elbow her, as I smile, sheepishly at Jared.

   "So, you're not gonna start fangirling over me and worship me? Act like you just met god or something?" He says, running his hands through his hair.

   "Yeah, I don't want to be one of those fans..." I say a bit too quiet, but loud enough to hear.

   "But if you keep doing that, then I might not have a choice" I say, a bit more confident.

   "Doing what?" Jared asks, as he lets out a small chuckle and runs his hands through his hair again. "Ok, I'm sorry but I don't wanna ruin my first impression with one of my idols, so please stop." I say.

   "Yeah, alright." Jared says. "But you do know what I'm doing here, right?"

   "No, not really." I reply. "I live in a small town, what is a big time celeb like you doing here?"

   "Well, we're shooting an episode of Supernatural right now. And I can tell your a fan by your choice in wardrobe." He says, "Nice earrings by the way"

    I'm surprised, but also flattered. My earrings, I had just bought yesterday. They were dangling, the first part, where it pierced my ear was little wings. The next was pie, and the last was a laptop, all with a small orb in between each other. As you can guess, they were Supernatural.

    I blush

   Did I just get a compliment from my idol?!

   "So... I'm guessing Jensen and Misha are around here. And so is one of the Marks. If they're in this episode." I say. "Yeah, they are. You wanna meet em?" He says.

   "YES!!! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!" I scream out. "Wait, I just need to get something from my locker." I say, "I'll be back" I say, running out. I quickly grab my extra shirt, which was a white t-shirt with the words Fangirl printed across the front.

I run back to Jared, Josie waiting for me there. I take my sharpie out of my purse.

   "Mind signing it?" I say, when I arrive, holding out the shirt and marker. "No problem" Jared says. "Alright, now let's go meet the rest of the cast"

   We head over to the front of my school. Loads of tents and trailers parked around. We walk to a tent and get stopped by security. "Mr. Padalecki, you do know two females are following you." Says the guard. "They're with me" he replies. We head over to a tent.

   "Jensen, Misha, this is a fan of ours. Met her in the school." Jared says, as he enters.

   "Hi! You guys mind signing this?" I ask, smiling ear to ear. "So, is any Mark here? Or Ruth, or Samantha? I would love to get the king of hell, Satan, and Rowena's signature on here!" I say. "And Mary Winchester! I would literally die!"

   They sign, and lead me to another tent with some other cast members. "So, how did you get into the Supernatural fandom?" Misha asks. "Well, I needed a show to watch, Supernatural seemed good, I started it, I became a fangirl." I say, thinking about how sad my life is.

   "I also love Harry Potter, Sherlock, and Anime. You know, the Korean animations!" I say, making a reference to the show. "There actually, originated in Japan, but whatever." I mutter.

   "So do you mind posing for a picture?" I ask, getting out my phone. "Not at all", "Sure", and "Why not" is what I mostly hear.

   They pose and I snap a selfie to post into everything I have.

   This is so awesome!!! I think to myself, not being able to hold in my happiness for much longer, before I explode.

   "Thanks! This has been awesome. I love you all! Good bye." I yell out as Josie starts pulling me away. "You've had more than enough time, if you don't leave not, you'll get used to it. And we don't want that, now do we." She mutters as she tries to pull me back into the school, me waving a smiling, trying to get out of her grip.

   "All right, let's go" she says, as she finally succeeds in dragging me inside. "I wish I got to see them again. I miss them." I say, sitting down in the floor.

   "It's okay. You might see yourself on Supernatural if we seek on set?" She says, in effort to comfort me.

   "Yeah, good idea! Let's go!" I say, getting up and running to the exit. We run to where they started to shoot. We head for a hidden, yet seen area. We head over to a stream, where Sam and Dean would be walking through. I make sure I pass them when they start to shoot.

   Now all we have to do is wait for it to come out!

   That moment, everything starts to crumble before me. I look around as the world fades. I start to hear a song playing. I realize that it was all a dream. And my alarm woke me up.

   "Why does the world hate me" I mutter as I sit up and rub my eyes.

   "The world doesn't hate you" I hear a male say.

   "WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yell, pulling my blankets up, and pushing myself away from the voice.

   "Holy Crap! It's you guys! Wait, is it y'all ? Or is it another dream" I say, looking at them.

   "I'm pretty sure this is real" Jensen says, "Misha, pinch me"

   Holy Crap. My idols are in my room

Tell me if I should continue. Thanks!

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