New Home

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Ok. So like, I suck at wrapping stories I made up, up so this will probably be super shitty. ;~; :D ;-; okay, so before I send you off to the story, I was starting to write and was like "ok so Sam and Dean are gonna find out ur fans dead and like drop youses off at like a family, but then they are too far so like a orphanage" but I remembered this is Jared and Jensen. So I suck at life. ;-; ok. Story!!! (And Misha! Misha too!)

"I'm sure your parents will be fine"

"I hope"

"They maybe just, um."

Jensen stops talking and looks down.


"We could go to where they work if you want" Jared suggests.

"Not now. We just got home and I want to just take my mind off of this. I'm gonna go take a nap. Do whatever."

I go in my room and let myself fall onto the bed and try to go to sleep. It takes a while. My mind is filled with horrible thoughts of what could have happened to my parents.

Just... Sleep... Already

I turn on some Idealism and just listen to the music until I drift off to sleep.

*2 hours later*

I wake up from my nap, super relaxed. I get up and go look for Jared, Jensen, and Misha.

"It's too quiet" I whisper to myself as I enter the living room.

*Knock knock knock*

They must have locked themselves out somehow. Right?

I answer the door only to see a female in an office attire.

"Hi. Is your mom and dad home?"

"Uh.. no. They haven't been home in a couple of days."

"Oh. Well I'm from a Social Worker and someone called yesterday, a male, saying your parents just went missing? Is that correct"

"Uh, yeah. I'm not sure where they are. I saw them last like, two days ago before they left for work at like, 7"

"Ok. Well, I'm gonna need to take you with me. Your going to stay at a foster home and when we find your parents you can come back, but until then you'll live there"

"Ok. Do I pack my things then?"

"Why don't you do that, honey"

"Come in, I guess. I'll only be a minute"

She enters and sits on the couch and I run to my room and pack all my favourite things. I grab my brush and my mini mirror and find a note next to it.

   We called a Social Worker yesterday. I hope they can find your parents. We left while you took a nap. We took the liberty of signing some of your things. Hope you're​ not mad!  Stay cool! AKF, YANA! XO
        Sincerely,   Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins.

I stuff the note with my drawing journal, and see a sticky note on that.

You draw nice! We signed your random page!

I skim through the pages to find my random page and find their signatures in gold sharpie. "Of course"

I finish packing and run back to the Social Worker.

"Let's go"


She walks to the door and opens it letting me go out first.

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

I get in her car with my things and she drives to a house. This must be the Foster home. She walks to the house and knocks, I follow her and hover behind as she waits for the door to be answered.

"Hello Julia!"

A boy answers the door, about 6 years old.

"Hello Peter! Is your mom home?"


"Can I talk to her?"

"Yeah. Let me call her"



The kid runs off and comes back a little later with a woman.

"Kristen! I have a new girl"

I wave awkwardly.


"Hi. Do you want to come in and choose a room? I'll have Jay take you to a room"

"Alright. Thanks"


I walk inside and a girl with a half shaved hairstyle dyed lilac purple walks into the living room to met me. Kristen and Julia continue their chat and Jay and I talk.

"So you're new"


"Don't worry. It's not that bad here."

"Ok. I'm Daisy"

"Jay. Wanna room with me? I have a room to myself right now. You can have the top bunk."

"Ok, but what if I don't like the same things as you?"

"I have a feeling you won't hate it"

We enter her room and it's like heaven. Not white and clean, but dark with posters and music. I check her playlist and it's AC/DC, Panic! At the Disco, Green Day, and all my favourite bands and singers.

"Holy shit"

"You like it?"

"Like it? I love it!"

"Awesome. I knew you would"

"But you don't even know me"

"I could just sense it"

They never found my parents but I was happy with my new life. I missed them. They were my parents, but God has a plan for everyone. Right? At least that's the bullshit my parents would tell me, at least I thought it was bullshit. But now it seems, well, not so bullshit-y. I lived a new life, dyed my hair (because my gosh darn parents aren't there to tell me no, hahahaaaa),  and I eventually got all my things from my house. My life didn't seem so horrible. I met some of my idols! But was it really worth the price of my parents?

Edit: I skimmed through this and Damn, I forgot all about this, and it's not terrible story but the ending is so random, I can't do shIT but this turned out decent??? Idk, just take it, thanks for reading

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