Pizza and Movies

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Here's the crap you want to read. Thanks for being loyal!

After I finished asking questions, We head to Spooky and play with her for a bit.

"Jared. It's your family! Puppies!" I say.

"Puppies. Are. Happiness." He responded.

"I bought some happiness yesterday" I take some airhead rainbow strips packets out of my purse.

"happiness" I say, handing one to everyone, and putting the 3 leftovers in my purse.

"Gloria. I have happiness for you too" I say, getting a tub of watermelon out of my purse. She drops the candy and grabs the watermelon.

"WATERMELON" She screams, staring intensely at the tub. She puts the tub down and hugs me tight.


"Your my bestie. Of course I bring watermelon. It's your favorite!"

My dog stares at the tub.

"I have snacks for you too, Spooky, calm down." I say, getting out dog treats.

I tell her to roll over, she does so, and I throw the treat in the air, Spooky catching it in her mouth and eating it.

"Wow. That's a lot of things in your purse." Jensen says

"I like to be prepared" I respond. "I also have; water, hand sanitizer, lotion, my wallet (with cards and coupons), sunglasses, ,headphones, a charger, wall plug, portable charger, and my impala model." I say, proudly patting my purse.

"Yeah. Not organized though" Gloria says, mouth full of watermelon.

"Share" I say "I want food too. I did bring it after all."

She hands me the smallest piece, and I gladly accept it. "Good enough"

We eat the watermelon, and head home.

It's about 12 so it's almost lunch.

We walk home, making small talk, and discussing life n' crap.

We get to my house and I get my key out to unlock the door.

"Let's watch MOVIES!!!" I scream, as I will inside​, turning the TV on. "But first we need pizza!"

I gather everyone's orders and order the pizza.

"Yes, one large pepperoni, one large meat lovers and a shit load of bread sticks. Yes, delivery please. The address is (a fucking address). Thank you"

"Ok" I say, turning my phone off, "now we need $34, plus a tip"

"What" I hear Misha say quietly.

"Yeah, um, I'm not exactly rich. I have like $12 on me. Pay up. You're all famous and rich. Feed the poor"

"I have $5" Gloria says. She places it on the center of the table, and I place my 12 dollars with hers.

"We still need $23. Pay up." I say, motioning for money.

"Uh..  here" Jared says, placing a 20 on the table.

"Damn. Talk about good friends. Ok. Three dollars."



"JUST SOMEONE PAY! THEY'LL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES" I shout, my hands in my head.

"Ok. Here" Jensen says, taking his wallet out and placing $3 in.

"Arigato" I say, being used to saying it to, like, everyone.

"What" he says

"Sorry, that's thank you in Japanese. Ok. Now we need a movie to watch. Recommendations?"

It's quiet for a moment.

"LETS WATCH A SCARY MOVIE!!!" I say, creepily. "The movie...... The Bye-Bye Man." I laugh, as creepily as I can.

"Okaaay then Daisy, calm down!" Gloria says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Ok. But I want ice cream and pie" I reply.

"Fine. Who else wants ice cream and pie?" Gloria asks.

"Meeee" , "PIE!", and "If you wouldn't mind, yes please" where the responses.

"Ok" Gloria walks over to the freezer and grabs 2 tubs. "I have Pecan butter, and cheese cake ice cream. And" opening the refrigerator, setting the tubs in the counter said "Cherry Pie and what looks like.... A slice of Pecan Pie."

"PECAN PIE OVER HERE!!!" I yell, dropping the TV'S controller, sitting criss-cross, on the floor in the living room, waving my arms.

"Uh, Cherry pie here." Jensen says, sitting at the table alone on his phone, waving one hand.

"SHEEEEE'S MYY CHERRY PIIIIIEEEE" I scream intensely, standing up to sing the rest of the lyrics I know.


"Jeez. My eardrums" Gloria says.

"I'm a great singer! What are you talking about?" I reply.

"Yeah, sure." She says "Let's just watch the movie"

I get my phone and connect to the TV. I click on the movie on my phone screen and the TV soon starts to play it.

About 10 minutes into the movie, we hear a knock on the door. I open it and it's the pizza man.

"Thank you" I sat, handing the money and tip to him. We close the door and set the box on the table. We open it and grab a slice each.

"Let's eat!" I say, grabbing a soda. I bring in for everyone and hand them out.

"Now that we have our food let's watch the movie" I say

"Delicious" Jared says, Misha agreeing with his mouth full. "Clean your face" Jensen says, handing him a napkin.

"Play the movie" Misha says, grabbing another slice.

I play the movie and we watch it. Flinching at some parts, and squeezing the closest thing to us. Sometimes someone's arm or hand, other times, a pillow or chair.

The movie finishes and we turn on the lights.

"Wow! That was scary!" I say, chuckling a bit, as I did just reference Supernatural.

"Yellow Fever" I say "Remember that episode Jensen?"

"I do. What a Fangirl thing to do" he replies.

"Ok. It's like 5 PM now. What should we do?" I say, checking my phone.

"I should go home" Gloria says. "Yeah. Lets walk you home" I say.

We walk Gloria home talking about the movie. We arrive at her house and wave goodbye​ as she enters "Text me!" I shout at her.

We walk home, the time being about 5:30-6 PM.

We walk back to my house, no one home.

Mom and Dad should be home by now​

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