The Unexpected

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Gonna be some freaking plot twist in this mother-trucking story!

"Strange" I whisper, as I enter.

"What" Jensen says.

"My parents should be home by now. But it doesn't look like they're home"

"Maybe they're just late?" Jared says

"No. They get out of work at 5. It takes 20 minutes to get home and it's..." I check the time. "6:12. They're always home. And if they stop, they always call me first to tell me they'll be late."

"Maybe they forgot?" Misha says

"They never have"

"First time for everything" Jensen says

"Maybe your right. But if they aren't home by 7, then I'm calling the police." I say.

"Ok." Jensen says.

We sit around, I draw, my drawing reflecting how I'm feeling or what might have happened to my parents. Worried and hurt. A girl looks worried, crying, as she comforts a hurt boy.

They will be fine. They always are. Right? R-right??

Tears starts to trickle down my face. I fight hard to keep it all bottled up inside but it won't stay inside. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey. It's ok. Maybe their phones just died?" Jared says "Don't cry"

I nod my head, and wipe my tears away. "Yeah. Okay" I say, standing up and ripping the paper out of my journal.

I grab a lighter and go to the fireplace. I burn the paper and watch as the paper gets engulfed in fire.

"Is that really how you get rid of drawings you don't like?" Jensen questions.

I chuckle a little, "yeah. I'm probably a psychopath. Don't tell!"

"Yeah. Same" Misha says, walking towards me then sitting next to me, watching the small pile of ash from the paper. We all laugh a little.

"I think I should go to sleep," I say "it's already" I check the time "7:14"

"Ok. But weren't you going to call the police?" Misha says, still sitting down by the fireplace. "Um, was. I think it's better if I just wait till tomorrow" I say sheepishly, "I was probably overreacting. They should be home by tomorrow."

"Let's hope." Jared says.

"Yeah. Anyways. I don't know what you guys are going to do but... I guess you can sleep on the couches? I'll bring some blankets and pillows." I say, heading towards the basement to go get extra blankets. I hear them talking among themselves.

"Sounds good. Dibbs on big couch"

"Not fair Jensen. I shod get the big couch. I won't fit on the small one. You will though"

"I'll just wait here then" Misha says in a gruff voice that I recognize as Castiel's. I squeel as I walk down the stairs. I get to the basement and grab some blankets from a closet. I grab some extra pillows we have and head upstairs.

"So you guys figure out who's sleeping where?" I say as I run up he stairs, hands full of blankets and pillows.

"Um. Kinda. Misha, I think, want to sleep on the floor? And Jensen where I should be, but because of dibs, he should get it, according to him."

"Fine. Ok, so Jared gets the big couch, Jensen, smaller couch, and Misha can sleep in the recliner or on the floor. Your choice"

Everyone gets into their blankets and pillows, and get into their spots, Misha choosing the recliner.

"Don't worry. They'll be here tomorrow. Have hope" Jared says as I exit to my room.

Don't worry. They'll be here tomorrow. His words echo in my head as I try to go to sleep. Have hope.

I go to sleep that night, tossing and turning until morning, I wake up to he smell of bacon.

"BACON!" I yell, getting out of bed and running to the kitchen, not grabbing my glasses so things are blurry, expecting my mother, and forgetting about yesterday, thinking it was a dream.

I see a tall figure, not sure why my mom seemed so tall, I hug her and then jump, not feeling my mother, but rather a male.

"Your not my mom!" I jump back, trying to focus my eyes. "Oh my chuck.... It was real" I whisper covering my mouth with my hands. I run back to my room and get my glasses.

"It wasn't a dream! They're really here!" I say, walking out, now with glasses. "And they're really not here." I get a bit sad, remembering my parents didn't arrive at home last night.

"We'll go to the police after you eat. You need breakfast." Jared says, handing me a plate with bacon and eggs.

"Thanks" I say, picking around the eggs, only eating the bacon "but I hate eggs."

I smile sheepishly as he goes to the fridge to get orange juice out. "I don't like that either" I call out. "I'm picky. It's not your fault. Apple juice is fine" Jared gets the apple juice and brings me a cup. "Thanks" soon, a sleepy Misha joins me for breakfast, and some 5 minutes later, Jensen does too.

Everyone eats and once we finish I change so we can go to the police station.

"Wait. Who's driving because the police station is across town and I'm not walking."

"I'll drive" Misha says, I hand him the keys to my mom's Prius.

We drive across town and get to the police station. I go inside and tell the secratary my parents are missing so we fill out a missing persons report. Once we finish we head back to my house.

"Don't worry. Have hope" 

Hope won't bring my parents back. What if I never find them. What do I do then? Who will I live with?

Don't worry. Have hope

How can I. It's been two days.

My train of thought was inturupted by the hum of the car being turned off.


I get off, followed by the three. We enter the house and throw the keys into the couch.

"How could something so good, turn into something so bad"

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