Chapter 4

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Optimus Prime P.O.V 

Hey look at me Bee

Bee turned he head to face me and he eyes were red a puffy from crying so much

You will get through this, just like last time you have Ratchet and I both here for you and we will get through this together

Bee gives me a nod and I hold out my hand and Bee grabs it as I pull him up

Let's see the others then

Bee nods and we walk out to the main room, and let me tell you it is a lot longer with such short legs.

We finally get to the main room we're it was just Ratchet, Prime walked Bee over and got him to sit on a chair as he went to the fridge to find an apple for Bee to eat and a bottle of water.

Have this it will make you feel better

Bee toke one bit out of the apple and his face brightened up right away at the sweet watery taste of the apple, and he continued to eat every last bit of it.

Once they had eaten, a car rolled in and the kids all ran out yelling that Bee had to put his hands over his ears. To block out the sounds of the yelling when Ratchet yelled out

Well you 5 all stop yelling, I don't think we need Bumblebee running back to his room because of you lot now do we

They all looked at Ratchet, with fear all in there eyes, when they remembered that Ratchet had said he didn't won't Bee to ran to he room again and they look over my way to see the young golden blond hair boy covering his ears from the yelling.


Ralf was the first to recover and ran straight up the stairs to Bee and gave him a hug and started to fill Bee in on everything that was happening and that has happened in the past week.

Once everyone had explained to Bee what had been going on, we sent them all of to there rooms to do there homework, while we let Bee wonder or do what he liked which meant following Ratchet or myself around the base, just watching us, I didn't mind it, it was like old times and I think it was the same for Ratchet.

Flash back

No ones P.O.V

It was the middle of war and it was not getting better, in fact it had gotten a lot worse, Megaton had attack all sparkling safe zones leaving one sparkling to live young Bumblebee, now he was an interesting sparkling, with this high hopes and dreams that he wishes to reach, he loves to play and to mostly follow others around to learn what they do and how things work.

It was a normal day for Prime get up, eat and run the base, only difference was that he had young Bee following him around everywhere he went.

Young Bee P.O.V

I love following others around explicitly Optimus, Ratchet and IronHide. Today I choose to follow Prime as everyone calls him, I follow him to the control room where no one saw me as I am so small and the only one my age no one looks down to watch us younglings unless you are Prime, Ratchet and IronHide they are always looking at the ground to where they are going so they don't walk on me.

We got to the control room when I felt a pair of servos grab me and left me up and set me on the desk so I could see out, I look to see Prime holding me then I turn back to the outside, I never get to go outside, everyone says it's to dangerous for me, so this is the only time I get to see it and it is amazing, they way the sky looks, i don't look at the ground as I know it is not as pretty as the sky.

I look at Optimus to see he is looking out to, with that look in his eyes that we will be free and Cybrotron will look the same as it once was.

Another day I was with Ratchet and I followed him to the Med bay where he tough me how to repair different things and how to help others that was amazing I learned so much.

Another day it was with IronHide he is the one I saw as a father, he has always been there for me, one day when I was following him around, I got to learn how to use different weapons, and how to fight.

With all 3 of their help I have learned so much and over the years I know i know that I will learn more and I will be the best leader, Medic and weapons expert.

End of flash back

Optimus P.O.V

I was amazing he had told me what he wanted to be and I was surprised that he wanted to be those things, and that he even started to learn at that age and that he is still following that teaching and still wants to do those things.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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