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   Brown eyes. Curly Hair. Pale. Fat. Just a few words you could use to describe me. I've heard them all many times but the last one seems to be everyone's favorite. In Samson everyone knows who you are and if the popular girls in school think you're a whale, the whole town does too. In my "giant" class of thirty three I don't fit in size wise or personality wise. Technically I'm average weight for my height. That still doesn't calm the tide of whispers behind my back. Sometimes I wonder if all the remarks I hear are in my head. Let's be real, what girl doesn't have self-esteem issues? No matter how hard I wish it was my own imagination creating these words, it's not true. I know what they say. I also know that even if they knew what I did to escape their words, the torture wouldn't stop. 


The first three chapters are introductions so they will be a little shorter. As they book progresses they will be longer. :)

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