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   Why is it so bad, to be good, and so wrong to be happy? I just want friends... maybe it's how I look, or maybe it's just me. Popularity, beauty, and my brothers sickness haunt my life. Mila, my sister, has beauty that cannot be explained with words alone. People always say I look like her, which in a way is a curse. I never get the chance to be just Kendra. I'm the background noise everyone hears but doesn't pay much attention to. My family isn't to big on being a family anyway. Mila and my little brother Charlie get all the attention. Charlie is a pretty sick kid. In his short six years he's been to the hospital more times than I can count. So I don't blame him for stealing my parents love from me. If I lost him I don't know what I would do, so I stay silent. That's why I have to at least try to be popular at school. I feel like I'm drowning. Everyday I fall farther and farther from the surface. I'm trying to swim and keep up with the sea of fish but it's too hard, because my fins are broken. 

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