Rabid Wolf

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Name- Fenrir 'Fenny'  Lupis

Sex- Male

Sexuality- Bisexual but prefers woman

Age- I forgot..let's just I'm young so no one asks. (Looks 23)

Personality- wild child, prideful, stubborn,  energetic, bloodthirsty, and a bit crazy.

Likes- Murder, violence, fighting, nighttime, the moon, Ragnarok, and destroying things.

Dislikes- Being made to sit still, being told not to murder someone, animal abuse, peace, and weakness.

Bio: So I'm a freak of nature...I really don't know what you want me to say. Seriously I'm not good at talking about myself. Well for starters I eat people, and usually any type of meat, and do not make a dick joke or I'll skin you. I hate my dad, I hate my mom, I hate all of my family except my cousin, my brothers, and my one sister. The rest can all go fuck off."

"Get out of the way or become a red stain on my path to ruin."

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