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Brian pulled up in front  of Toretto's shop, walking inside. He sat down and ordered the same thing he had been ordering since he first started this undercover work. Mia had a short conversation with him before going back to her magazine. A little bit later, the rest of the Toretto team pulled up. Then, Vince started a fight with Brian. Everyone was enjoying it until something when very wrong. A red Dodge Challenger pulled up next to the fight, and a woman got out of the driver's seat.

She walked over to the pair and yanked Vince off. When he tried to go after Brian again, she had a gun on his head. Everyone froze as she looked at him.

"Make your move." She said.

"Yo, it was just all fun in games." He said, chuckling. "Right man?"

Brian nodded. "Yeah. It was nothing, Shane."

She paused then lowered the gun. She looked at Brian.

"Fine. But next time you're getting your ass kicked, I'll just fucking watch."

She opened the door to her car and left. Everyone just looked at each other before watching Brian speed off as well.



The girl groaned before spinning in her chair too look at Brian.

"You could have fucked this all up!"

"Oh come on." She rolled her eyes. "You'll be fine."

"You have no idea what I'm doing, do you?"

"Um... falling in love with Mia Toretto?"

He paused then shoved her chair over.

"Just stay out of it, Shane."

She held her hands up. "Whatever."


The Toretto team pulled into the races, Dom getting two girls next to him. Then, everyone saw Brian standing next to his car. They all walked over and started talking, then made a deal for the race. Just as they were about to race, someone else spoke up.

"So. Brian racing the 'Toretto Team' huh?"

The team looked over to see the girl Shane sitting on her Challenger. Her light pink lips were pulled into a smirk. Letty walked over.

"You need to back off, bitch."

Shane looked her over then rolled her eyes.

"Sweetie, I've dealt with alot meaner people than you. But okay. Brian!"

He almost groaned when he looked at her. She smiled.

"If you loose, which you will, I'm gonna laugh in your face."

"How are you so sure he's gonna loose?" Jesse asked.

"I know how he races. And I know how y'all race. I've been on the streets for a while, so I should know who'll win. But be my guest. Race if you want to. But Brian? You owe me a car after this."

"Why don't you race too then?" Vince challenged.

She smirked before shrugging. "Alright. Cash or pink slip?"


After giving her pink slip over to the team, she pulled up to the line. Dominic was intrigued by Shane. What was she doing here? Shane smirked over at Dominic. She was about to race against one of the hottest men here. She clenched her jaw. She was a police officer! She needed to keep her head in the game. When the race started, she floored it. Everyone was shocked as she stayed right with Dom. A second later, her NOS sent her flying over the finish line. She climbed out, Dom right behind her. As she got out, she saw the shocked look on everyone's faces.

Her hand went out and the cash was placed in her hand. Along with the two pink slips. Her's and Brian's. She smiled when she saw Brian's smoking green car. Then, those red and blue lights showed up. She was in her car in a split second. She was driving down the roads when she saw Brian walking with Dom. She pulled up.

"You boys need a ride?" She asked.

Brian smiled. "You have no idea how amazing you are."

"I have an idea. Get your ass in."

As they drove, Shane could feel Dominic's eyes on the side of her head. She just stayed focused on the road as he told her where to go. She pulled up and stopped.

"B, you need a ride home?"

"Nah, I'll be okay."

She nodded and he leaned down to the window. She whispered in his ear.

"We need to stay in the game, Brian."

He nodded and started to walk away. She shook off the look Dominic was giving her and drove off.


She got a call two nights later.


"Get your ass up! We got Dom."

She ran to her Challenger and floored it, racing down the roads. She saw the dirt and pinged Brian's phone. She pulled up next to him and rolled down her window.

"What's going on?!"

Mia answered her. "Vince!"

She looked over and cursed, pulling closer. Brian jumped onto her car and she spun into the dirt. They got him layed down, trying to stop the blood from his arm. Dom was there too. She bit her lip and grabbed Brian's phone from him.

~Shane POV~

"Yeah, this is Officer Shane Gilbert." Dom's face was pure rage. "I'm off-duty MAPD. I need a life flight roll out right away. My 20 is Highway 86, mile marker 147. I got one trauma victim, about 24 years of age. Six-foot, maybe 200 pounds. He's got a deep laceration to his right arm with arterial bleeding. And he's got a shotgun wound close range to his left flank."

Vince started to shake.

"Yeah, he's going into shock!"

Me and Brian got him to the chopper, and Dom was not happy when he found out Brian was a cop too. We drove back to his house, jumping out of the car with our guns drawn when we saw his shotgun. Brian and Dom got into a yelling match that stopped when Jesse pulled up. Then, I heard the bikes.

"Jesse! Get down!" I yelled at him.

But he was to slow. I shot at the bikers, missing. I got into the car and floored it after them with Brian right behind me. I took out one while Brian took out the other. Then we saw Dom at the top of the hill. We drove after him, pulling up next to his car on either side. We raced the quarter mile, but it was short lived. The truck slammed into the side of my car, making me hit Dom's. I pulled myself out then went and helped Dom. I held my ribs and looked at Brian.

He handed his keys to Dom. They looked at each other and he took the keys. I knew that we would both get fired and in big trouble for this, but we knew what we were doing. I leaned against Brian as Dom took the keys. I smiled lightly at him before he did something that shocked me. He pulled me to him and kissed me. After pulling away, he was gone. Me and Brian looked at each other before walking towards the sirens.


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