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I was sitting in my apartment/room while the team got ready to get Ramsey or whatever. I was laying on my bed dressed in my military outfit that the team first saw me in after the two years. The ring was cold against my fingers as I looked at it. Someone knocked on my door and I was up. I walked down the steps with Letty and saw the team. Roman went to open his mouth but I just ignored him and looked at the cars. I nodded.

"Nice." I said.

"Not as nice as you could have done it." Tej told me.

I smirked. "Damn right. How long do you guys have til you leave?"

"Two hours."

I grabbed a wrench and looked around, smiling at the beautiful machine sitting next to my Humvee. Hm.....


After finishing the car, I rolled out. I smiled. The grey Lambo was decked out in armor while I tossed the tool on the table. Rome whistled.


"Thanks." I said, still pissed off at him. "You mind if I tag along?"

"No they don't." Mr. Nobody said, joining us. "Because you are my driver."

I nodded and looked at the monster I created. Suddenly, Mia ran over to me.

"Hi mommy." She said, hugging my legs.

"Hey darling. What have you been up to?"

She giggled as I saw the grease and oil covering her entire body.

"I was working on your car!" She squealed, laughing.

I frowned then followed the greasy footprints to the car she had been working on. I gawked.

"My Corvette?" I asked her.

"Shepard said I could!" She said, still laughing. "Where's mommy? I want to show her."

I froze and didn't look at her. She noticed too.


I sighed. "Me and mommy got in a....."

"An aurgument?" She asked.

"Yes. Mommy said we needed some time apart, so she left."

"But.... but what happens now?" She asked me, starting to cry.

"I don't know baby."

She instantly glared. "Who did it?"

"What?" I asked her.

"Who made mommy mad? Who made mommy leave?"

I glanced at Roman and she caught it. She looked at him with a death glare. Everyone was waiting for her small outburst, but what they got shocked them all.

"What did you say to my mommy?"

"Um...." He said, not sure how to answer her.

"Did you say she was pretty?"

"Yeah." He shrugged.

Mia scoffed. "My mommy is more than pretty. But you made her leave, so I don't like you anymore."

I smiled at her. "Where did you learn that?"

"How to con-con-control my anger?" She asked.


"You. When you get mad you try to breath deeply before you lash out."

I smiled brightly at her before ruffling her greasy hair.

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