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After the girl cut us loose, we all got out. I was shooting and then we climbed back into the truck.  Vince spoke.

"Hey, Dom." He looked at Vince. "You've got to meet my son. Nico."

We all noticed the bullet in his side, making my heart break.

"I will."

"He's a good kid. You know, we named him after you. Dominic."

"You got my word Vince."

So we sat there and watched him die. After getting back to our spot, we all walked away from Vince and Dom. A few moments later Dom joined us.

"We need to move." He said. "We don't have that much time."

"I got us a flight out. We can leave Rio in the rear-view in the next five hours." Han told us.

"Not to run away. To finish the job." He turned to us.

"Are you crazy, Dom?" Gisele asked him. "We can't."

"It's a suicide mission. That's your man over there on the table. The plan is busted! This is bullshit, man. Reyes knows we're coming!" Rome freaked.

Tej nodded. "He's right. They tripled the detail at the police station. it's going to be a wall of gunfire."

"Reyes doesn't get away with this." Dom stated.

"It's a trap, man." Tej said. "You know that."

He spoke with Elena before looking at us.

"You know you're all free to make your own choices."

"I'm in." I said.

"So am I." Hobbs said, stopping us. "I'll ride with you, Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a bitch."

"So what's the plan, Dom? We can't just go sneaking around anymore." Brian asked.

"We don't sneak. The only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that, we pull him."


I was in my lovely Purple Lambo. Brian laughed when he saw it.

"Does that ever get scratched?" He asked over the radio.

"After this, she'll be totaled. But it's worth it. Let's go boys!"


After the job, we all watched as Tej opened the vault. The money spilled out and I smiled, ready to get out of this life. After splitting it all, I was gone. I didn't tell anyone where I was going, what I was going to do, anything. I just, left. I was gone in an hour. I landed myself on a farm in the middle of nowhere. Time to change it all up a bit.


I got a call from Dom three years later. Well, not a cell phone call. More like him and Brian came to my house. I had lost all three of my babies and now I had a new Silverado. I was sitting on the porch, drinking a beer when they pulled up. I laughed and hugged them, but I knew this was different.

"Hey guys." I said, smiling at them. "What do you need?"

Brian told me the plan, and I nodded.

"Well then. Let's go, shall we?"


We were sitting in the building as the team came in.

"Hey Shane." Rome said, giving me a hug.

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