Chapter 5

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    "You never told me about your father." Jacob says as I adjust myself on the roof.
    "I don't really like talking about him" I tell him. Jacob gives me a frown. I playfully role my eyes.
"He passed away."I tell him I'm a soft voice.
"I'm sorry brianna" he says. I shake my head.
"I was 7 years old. I still remember it pretty well. I was in the back seat playing with a kitten. Her name was Mouse. She was beautiful." I say looking up at stars.
"Brianna you don't have to explain" he tells me while grabbing my hand. I ignore him.
"My father was driving. We were on the freeway. And some stupid guy crashed into us. Our car flew off the freeway and down a cliff. I still remember the screaming. The car was doing flips and landed right at the tip of a cliff. The car was barley balancing upside down. My head was bleeding. My mother was trying to help me out of the car but it was tipping over. My father stayed on one side of the car to balance it out. I crawled out with my mother and Mouse in my arms. My dad said 'I love you brianna' as the car tipped over and fell straight down. Mouse was cut real bad and died slowly in my arms. I lost both of them that night. He risked his life to save mine." I end my story looking down at my shoes. A tear falls from my right eye and slides down my cheek. Jacob gives me a big and tight hug.
"I'm so so sorry brianna." He tells me.
"It's getting late. I think I should go" I tell him. I get up and start to climb down. I crawl into the window and sit on his bed. He follows me.
"Maybe you can sleep over? My father won't be home til later." He tells me with a smile. I smile back and take my phone out of my pocket. I dial my mothers phone number and I put it on speaker. She answers the phone.
"Hello?" My mother asks.
"Hey mom. I'm over at Jacobs house. I wanted to know if I can spend the night," I ask.
"How old is he brianna?" She says. I roll my eyes.
"He is 14 mother." I reply. There's a long silence. I look over a Jacob and he's doing a funny face to my phone. I laugh.
"That would be fine. Come over right now to get some clothes to change into. And bring your friend too. I wanna meet him." She says. Jacob face turns from fun and playful to worried. I smile and hang up the phone.
"She wants to meet me?!" He asks.
"Chill Jacob. She just wants to meet our new neighbor." I tell him. He nods his head.
He walks me back home and into my front door. My mother starts walking up to us.
"Good luck," I tell him. He looks at her. I smile and run up the stairs.
*brianna's point of view*
I run into my room and head straight to my closet. I look in the mirror and smile when I see myself still wearing his sweater. I pick out some black short shorts and a white short sleeve. I grab my Vans backpack and throw everything inside. I also throw a toothbrush and hair brush into the bag. I'm about to run out my bedroom when I stop and turn around. I run straight into the bathroom and apply light pink lipgloss my bestie Cizi got me for Valentine's Day. I smile pretty and run down the stairs.
*end of point of view*

*Jacob's point of view*
Brianna runs up the stairs. I gulp. I turn to her mother as she approaches me. I reach out my hand to give a hand shake but she goes on for a hug.
"Thanks so much for talking to your father!" She tells me.
"No problem Ms.Jones." I tell her. I smile when brianna comes running down the stairs. I noticed she has on pretty pink lip gloss. I don't think her mother noticed.
*end of point of view*

I approach them. I smile and open the front door.
"Come on Jacob." I tell him. I walk out the house and he follows.
"Good night mom!" I tell from behind me. And I walk to Jacobs house. I go inside with Jacob. And close the door behind me.

*thanks! Vote and follow! I really hope you enjoy! <3*

Neighbor//Jacob SartoriusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon