Entry 2

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Sometimes I do not feel like I am necessarily at an institute, despite the constant drips, scheduled checks  and monitoring it feels like home. This is for one reason only and this reason goes by Miss Fay, the institutes therapist. She was the head therapist at the institute, with a chain of other therapists under her. I wish she was my therapist and not just the one that checked if the others were doing a proper job, because on like my actual therapist she rarely  treats me as just another patient/prisoner. She sits with me on the ground, holds my hand, braids my hair and makes me feel wanted. Like as though I finally have a friend.

Perhaps it is just a technique she formulated, one to deal with lunatics that starve themselves to the point of exhaustion or perhaps she actually cares.

Either way I love the attention she gives me, finally someone other than my mother and sister wants my company. Whether it was because she actually wanted to or because she was obliged had no meaning. Because she listens to me as I talk  about fish or about why clouds move, or why Finn left me.

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