Entry 4

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην dreamza

Do not forsake education EVER,i'm not talking about the ones you get in school,but the education that actually teaches you to love yourself and every flaw you got.To love your folds and stretchmarks,so what if you arent skinny?,you are meant to have a figure but with anorexia the only figure you get is 1.

You're straight,with bones potruding,you have bad breath,you're weak and there s nothing but calorie counting to look forward to when you wake up.But she is so persuauding-the demon anorexia-,she shows you things you never saw until you hit puberty,thing you never thought off until you started on the path to adulthood.

You notice skinny people more,a and not the ones that are naturally that way either.Instead of feeling repluse and asking'mummy,why is that girl so small?'with your big innocent eyes,you secretly admire the shapelessnes you want to join the club were you make scrapbooks of your daily calorie counting,your daily food avoidance and scale checking.You want nothing more than to join into it all,you want to feel beautiful.

And when you finally become wise enough to know,it is too late,the demoness has taken over every thought in your head,your life is centered around her.And everytime you have a thought about food without it being accompanied by repulsion,she makes you feel guilty and like you deserve to die because you have such weak will power.

I was at that stage before i was brought to this institute,it was christmas and my favoourite childhood treat-mince pies-,well they smelt so good,i reached for one but then i got an internal slap from the she-devil.I ran to my room and locked myself away for my disobidience,i didnt deserve the sunshine i didnt deserve to be beautiful.

And mum had had enough,she took one look at me,in my dark pit of a room and she decided there and then i needed true help.She wept,she wept so hard it was as though she became one with the rain.She was a hollow shell of herself and i caused that.

I caused that.

Thank you for the votes everyone:)and remember if you have something to say leave a comment.Merci

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