Chapter 1

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Darkness was everywhere. I waited for James to appear to tell me I was dead or dying. I was clearly still alive. My arms were handcuffed behind me and a black bag was over my head.
I knew who was behind it. The sick son of a bitch who did it the first time. My thoughts drifted from there and on to Jacob and Rae. I started to panic even more. I needed to know they were safe. My family cant have anything done to them. They had to be safe in New York by now. I realized I was in a van and it was making dangerously sharp turns. Where were they taking me.

"Jacob calm down." I told him over the phone
"Im not going to. Shes missing again. She was meant to land two hours ago." He yelled
"I will search her phone." I said texting Garcia to come over.
"Thank you. Keep me updated please." He said before hanging up
"Shit." I yelled causing Will to run down stairs
"What?" He asked concerned
"She missing again. He took her again." I said before crying
"Cher, we will get her back. I know we will shes a fighter just like her mom." He said pulling me into a hug

Fifteen minutes later Garcia showed up banging on the door.
"Wheres the fire?" She asked walking passed Will when he opened the door
"Oh, no." She said sitting down next to me seeing my tear streaked face
"Shes gone again." I said not trying to cry again
"We will find her." She said confidently taking her laptop out and opening it
She started tracking her phone. She wasnt able to get to to find her location. They destroyed her phone knowing thats the first thing we would track.
"Im sorry buttercup. " Was all she could say as a tear fell from my face.

Britts POV
"Give it up Tyler. I know its you." I said when I knew we stopped moving and was carried to a metal chair
"But that would make it to easy." A voice I never heard laughed
"They found you the first time Tyler they will find you again. I can promise that. I can also promise you will spend a lot more time in jail for kiddnapping a federal agent." I laughed trying to sound like a smart ass
"Well, you still are smart like you mom." His voice finally said taking the bag off of it.
"Now, your have ruined my life twice." He said with a crooked grin before making a small cut on my leg making me yell in pain
"Oh yes, I love hearing the Jareaus scream in pain." He laughed getting close to my face
"Fuck you." I said coldly before spitting in it
I laughed knowing he hit weakly compared to my brother
"Whats so funny?" He asked
"You hit like a girl." I said still laughing
"Your mother was nothing but a slut in high school. She was asking for that night " He said walking over to stand by the door.
"But thats a story for another time." He said before slamming the door shut

I tried to stay awake as long as I could before my tired body took over and I slumped over asleep.

A blast of cold water was thrown on me
"Wake up Mutt." I heard a womens voice yelled before laughing
"Did you miss me?" She asked getting up into my face

So I have started the sequel and I hope you enjoy it so far. 😊

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