Chapter 27

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"Its going to be fine." I kept saying out loud as I paced around the guest room
"Your going to wear out the carpet." Jacob said sarcastically
"I dont feel comfortable going to the wake with out her. People are going to ask where she is." I said stopping in front of him
"We have worked on it. Shes at Sandys for the weekend because we didnt want her around any funeral stuff." He said standing up
"Everywhere we go we will be protected by security. My mom said that they have three different private investigators in New York and one is working with the team in DC. We are going to get her back. I promise." He said pulling me into a hug
"Now lets go." He said walking us our and downstairs to be with everyone else

We arrived at the office in Manhattan and Jacob never let go of my hand since we arrived.
"You must be Jacob?" An older women said behind us making us turn around.
"Thats me." He said confused looking at her
"Do you remember me?" She asked looking at him
"Im sorry ma'am I dont." He said holding my hand a little tighter
"Im your grandpas sister. I havent seen you since you were around five." She said cheerfully as he seemed to think
"Aunt Patsy?" He asked as her face brighten up at hearing that
"Yes. Now I heard you have a little girl who is around two." She said with a smile
"We do but shes at Britts grandmas house. We didnt want her to be around all this sadness." He said as I tried to stay composed
"You must be Britt." She said looking at me and sticking her hand out for me to shake
"Yes I am. Nice to meet you." I said smiling
"Jacob can you be a dear and get me a glass of white wine?" She asked as he nodded and left me with her.
"You will get her back." She said once he left
"What?" I asked confused
"I know whats going on your little girl will be back in your arms soon." She smiled
Jacob walked back up and my phone rang with the name unknown flashing. We both hurried out of the room being followed by our parents.
"Hello?" I answered
"Mommy!" Rae yelled loudly
"Hey baby! Are you ok?" I asked nervously
"Ya. Mr. Scratch is nice. Hes let me have pizza for dinner and soda. You and daddy never let me have soda." She said sounding normal
"Has he done anything to you?" Jacob asked making my stomach drop
"Like what?" She asked confused making me start crying
"Anything not nice to you?" Jacob asked trying to make it kid friendly
"No. He has me in a room and it has toys, a tv, coloring, its fun but I have no one to play with. He leaves me alone and I only see him when I get to eat." She said making me feel relieved
"Mommy and daddy love you honey." I said as tears ran down my face
"I love you too mommy and daddy. Mr. Scratch wants the phone back." She said before we heard a door lock
"I told you she was fine. It must have taken a lot of restraint to not contact the team." He said before it clicked off
"Shes ok." Debra said pulling me into a hug
"Did you get any of that?" Mike said to the private investigator in the room
"Yes. I got all of it sir. I have undercovers now having the house watched until further notice." He said making all of our hopes go up
"When will we get her back?" JJ asked
"As soon as we determine his schedule. Ma'am." He said seriously
"We need to get back out there." Debra said pushing us out the door.

We arrive back at the mansion and I was wasted. It started with one glass of wine and I slowly worked my way up to taking shots with Jacobs brothers.
"How much did she have?" JJ asked following behind Dylan and Jacob as they helped me walk into the house
"I lost her through out the party having to talk to family friends." Jacob said as I reached up and started to play with his scruff as he pushed my hand down as a way of saying no.
"She was alright when she approached us. And asked if we wanted shots." Dylan said letting me lean more into Jacob
"Hey I made the choice." I said pointing at her and slurring my words
"Britt lets get you ready for bed." Nicole said trying to help me get away from Jacob
"No." I said stumbling away from her and to the living room and over to the bar
"No more Britt." Jacob said following behind me
"I should have as much as I want. My daughter is in the hands of a serial killer. How should I cope with this? Sitting in silence waiting for the phone to ring." I said almost yelling and pouring a shot of tequila and taking it as it burned my throat  
"Alright lets go. Time for bed." Jacob said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder
"Let me go." I yelled as he put me on the bed
"The room got cleaned." I said looking around and my eyes landing on Jacob
"Oh no." I said putting my hand over my mouth quickly as Jacob got the hint and led me to the bathroom and in front of the toilet

"Im sorry." I said after the third round of emptying my stomach and leaning into him as we leaned back into the wall
"Its fine. I have you." He said pushing the hair out of my face
"I just want her back." I said starting to cry
"I do too. Are you back to being normal?" He asked and I nodded. He stood up and carried me bridal style to the bed. We fell asleep as soon as we laid down.

Sorry it been awhile. I promise to try and upload more. I did hit kindof a writers block and still working on some new ideas. Thanks for still reading and sticking with me. 💗😊

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