Chapter 28

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I woke up with a pounding headache and an empty bed. I turn over to the nightstand and see a water bottle with aspirin. Thank you Jacob I thought to myself while taking the pills.
I walk downstairs to see everyone sitting around the table in a deep talk.
"He called again." Jacob said looking down
"Why didnt anyone wake me up or tell me." I yelled making my headache worse
"Because your hung over and needed some sleep." JJ said calmly
"A serial killer that has my daughter called and no one woke me up." I said getting more angry.
"Babe calm down its good news." Jacob said standing up and walking over to me
"How is this good news?" I asked
"He gave her up. The team made the arrest this morning. She coming back home to us." He said as he teared up.
"What did he say this morning?" I asked as tears ran down my face
"He said she wasnt worth keeping anymore, that he didnt do anything to her but made sure she was taken care of and that he contacted the team himself." He said pulling me into a hug
"Shes on her way home." I cried into his chest
"She is." He whispered into my hair
"That was the team. The just got into the neighbor hood." JJ said interrupting our moment.

Waiting in the front yard was making me more excited to see her. When the SUVs turned the corner and became in my sight I was crying again.
"Go see your mom." Luke said getting out and helping her out of the car
"Mommy!" She yelled running as fast as her little legs could carry her
"My baby girl." I said crouching down to have her tackle me
"I missed you." She said hugging me
"I missed you too princess." I said standing up as Jacob wrapped his arms around the both of us
"He gave me a note for mommy to read." She said pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of her front pocket

Its not over. You might have your little girl back and Im behind bars but I still like playing games. Tell Hotch hes next.

The letter said as I looked up and around at everyone.
"Where Hotch?" I asked noticing he wasnt with the team and neither was David
"Hes at the station with Scratch. Whats up?" Spencer asked
"Hes targeting Hotch next." I said as the team ran back to the SUV
"Mom we need to go." I said passing Rae to Debra
"No. I need to go. You need to stay here with them." She said demanding me
"Hes my boss too." I said getting upset
"Im sorry Britt but I cant let you go." Jacob said standing next to her
"Why?" I asked offended
"Because we had our daughter taken by this man. I dont want you working in the FBI anymore." Jacob said raising his voice
"Im going to take Rae inside." Debra said as the rest of the family went in leaving us alone.
"Dad tell him this is my job." I said looking at Will.
"I cant. You need to be with your family. The funeral is today anyway." He said looking down
"Do all three of you want me to quit?" I asked
"No we just want you to take a break right now." JJ said but I could see the anger in Jacobs eyes
"I do." Jacob said bitterly
"So there it is. My number one supporter doesnt even want to support me anymore. After helping you start the gym and being ok with you being there late at night almost everynight. You are probably cheating on me with some gym whore." I said as it easily rolled off my tongue
"If thats what you want to believe than. But you know I would never cheat on you." He said as his eyes changed to sadness
"You might as well. I cant give you any more children." I said as tears filled my eyes
"Both of you knock it off. JJ go to the station. Britt you need to calm down and go back inside and Jacob you need to go see your daughter." Will said yelling making our arguments stop
"I love you." Jacob whispered as I walked passed him to go inside

Shit. I kept thinking to myself as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror not liking the person staring back at me. I looked skinnier and had bags under my eyes. This job was already taking a toll on my and I wasnt even twenty-five yet. Maybe Jacob was right maybe I need to do something else. I was thinking before a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.
"Who is it?" I yelled
"Its me." Came from a sad Jacob
"Go away." I yelled back
"Britt, Im not going anywhere and you know that. You know we dont fight and when we do we never stay angry at each other for more than an hour." He said trying to open the door failing because it was locked
I stayed silent and walked over to the door and sat against it knowing he would just talk
"Britt. I know you are sitting on the other side. Im sorry. Dont quit your job. I know you love it and its what makes you you. You have so much dedication that you need to keep, you are a role model to our daughter and I respect everything you do. I know I have been staying later than I need to at the gym but I have been working on a project just for Rae. I started transforming one of the storage rooms to be a kids area for when parents are working out. I love you so much." He said as it sounded like he was getting choked up as tears fell down my face.
I stood up and unlocked the door to see him there.
"I love you too." I said almost throwing myself into him
"Up." He said wanting me to wrap my legs around his waist
"Wheres Rae?" I asked kissing him with passion
"With Nicole and Dylan." He said pinning me to the door and locking it
"Good this this room is sound proof." He said walking over to his bed and dropping me on it before we started making it up to each other.

Sorry guys but I feel like this book is just getting boring. I do have a few more ideas but it might be coming to and end soon. Thanks for reading 😊 

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