Chapter 1

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🔲Warning. There will be cursing and bad words. Viewer discretion is advised. But do whatever you want. Thank you~🔳
"(Y/N)!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!" Your father yelled. You flinched at his loud voice, then winced in pain by all your bruises. You slowly stood off your bed as your limped over to the door. You quietly creaked open the door. You made your way down the stairs. "Y-Yes F-Father...?" You stutter. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU?! CALL ME MASTER!!" His words were laced in hate. You flinch and regret calling him your "dad". After your little sister died, your father took his anger out on your mom. (M/N), that was her name. She was the sweetest thing you'd ever meet. She was so innocent yet, your father just killed her in a blink of an eye. A tear strolled down your cheek as you remembered flashbacks of good memories with your mom. "What are you f***ing doing? GO CLEAN UP THIS MESS!" (D/N) screeched. "Y-Yes master..." you mutter. You grab the duster and broom and clean the glass shards off of the beer-smelling floor. You cringe by the smell and keep cleaning. "O-Ow..." you mumble to yourself. A glass shard cut deep into your hand. You slowly pull it out and wince in pain. The blood still strolls down your hand but you don't care. You've been used to this sort of thing, it happened all the time to you. You sigh to yourself and finish cleaning your dad's mess. You carefully put the glass shards in the trash and make your way back into your room. You flopped onto your bed, letting your cut bleed out onto your bed sheets. "Why does it have to be me...?" You mumble to yourself. Then tears start pouring out. You muffle your sobs in your pillow and drift off into slumber...
~Timeskip to morning~
The alarm goes off, startling you as you drift off your eyes. You quietly get out of bed, careful not to wake your dad. You take your night-shirt off and pull on a (F/VG) (Favorite Video Game) shirt. The sleeves droop farther then your hands, making it a little big on you. You didn't really care though, loose shirts made you always feel comfortable. You then put some sweatpants and sneakers on. You saunter into the bathroom and brush your teeth. After finishing daily-before-school routines you ate your breakfast. You had to always make your own breakfast and your dad's breakfast, along with lunch. You look over to the couch wanting to watch TV, but you notice your father is passed out on it. "Damn him..." you mutter to yourself. You place the bacon and eggs and put the paper bag full of lunch on the table. Grabbing your bookbag and locking the door to your house, you ran off to school.
~Timeskip to school~
"How's it going shortie?" One of the bullies asks you. You shrink down, too scared to mutter a word. He grabs the collar of your shirt and lifts you up. "I asked you a question, NOW ANSWER IT!!" He screams to you. A tear falls down your face. "I-I..." you stutter out. His grip loosens on you as he has a blue aura surrounding him. "H-Huh? What is this bullshi--" he questions but gets thrown into a locker. You snicker because he fell unconscious. You look around happily to see who did this, but all you get is a glimpse of blue smoke outside the school window. You smile, actually happy to be at school today.
~Timeskip to after school~
Okay, so, you thought the day was going to be one of the best. But, it was one of the worst. Except for the biggest bully getting thrown into the lockers. That was funny. Anyway, you got F's and low D's on all projects/work, you forgot all of your homework, in gym you accidentally ran into a wall, earning bruises all over yourself, etc. Also different bullies came and beat you up, leaving you with a broken rib and arm, with a sprained femur on your right and a twisted ankle. Along with a lot of cuts and bruises. And this was very terrible, but on top of that, you were pushed very hard into a locker, which the impact cracked your skull slightly, leaving you bleeding against the locker. Thankfully, a teacher found you, brought you to a nurse, who bandaged up all of your cuts, bruises, broken and sprained bones. Yeah, not a good day at all. Your father was a ruthless bastard, making you do all chores, make food, when you got home. AND you had to do homework on top of that. The day was not a good one at all.
~Back to present lol 'cause everything's been in the past so far xD~
Sitting at your desk, you drew. Usually when in pain or depressed, you'd draw your sadness away. It soothed you for some reason. Then a thought came into your head. If everyone hates me, they wouldn't be sad if I were gone, right? My family, my school, everyone hates me, and it'd just be easier for them if I didn't exist anymore. I'd be free with mom, up in the heavens. Life would be much easier without me, wouldn't it? Those suicidal thoughts came into mind again. You've had these thoughts before, but never had the guts to do it. But you were done now. Pain, depression, sadness, grieve, regret, all of it would end now. You'd actually be, happy, for once. You limped around the house looking for a rope. Hanging yourself in your closet was what most suicidal people did, so you'd do it too. After looking through the garage, you found the rope. Slowly walking back upstairs to your room, you slowly tied the rope up. It hung down, low enough for you to reach it. You always were very short, that was one thing people made fun of you about. You hated it. It wasn't your fault that you were small, it was in your genes. You carefully wrapped the end of the rope around your neck. The rope was rough and scratchy, but you didn't care. You were going to the afterlife anyway so it didn't matter. You lifted your feet off the ground as you began choking. Blood seeped out of your mouth yet you still smiled. All you saw was someone in a black cloak as your eyelids slowly shut closed.

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