Chapter 3

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-Gah im so sorry guys for taking so long to update!!!! Gaaahhh!! Kill me!! Well, here's the story you've been waiting for~

You look around to see who did this but only see a shadowy figure in the corner. Obviously, you thought this person killed your father. Without hesitation, you walk over to the figure. You can make out what they look like now. It honestly looked like a skeleton...but melting? It had tentacles sprouting from its back that were a deep black. It had two cracks in its skull; one going upwards from the right eye and one going downwards from the left. "Hello, thank you so muc--" you say but get cut off. "No need to thank me, (Y/N)," he--guessing from the deepness of they're voice--states. "Ok, not creepy at all that you know my name. Either way, really, thank you. If it wasn't for you I would have to live in that hell hole forever," you sweetly say. A smile appears across his face. Not a gentle one, but a devilish one? "Well, if you don't mind, there is something you could do to repay me," he inquires. "Anything! I need to repay you for saving my life for hell's sake!" You plead. "If you insist..." he claims. Suddenly, the tentacles that spout from his back were coming for you. You were in shock; you couldn't move. "This will be easy then," the figure says to himself. You just stand there, wide eyed. Not moving, hardly breathing. This guy that just saved you from hell, is now kidnapping you and taking you to god knows where. Fear was evident in your eyes. The tentacles wrapped harshly around your body, squeezing tightly. You wince, some of them pushing down on old bruises and cuts. In a blink of an eye, everything went black for a split second, then grey. Dizziness overwhelmed you as you tried not to pass out. It finally washed over so you looked worriedly around. It was a lab: there were blueprints, tables, workbenches, glass-walled rooms, machines, etc. "This is where I will be experimenting on you for the time being," The figure states. "W-Who are you?" You try your best not to show fear. "W.D. Gaster," he abruptly says. "Why am I here?" You say irritably. "To experiment on you, duh," he says. And just like that he shoves you down onto a experimenting table. You gasp in response, not thinking this would happen so quick. A purple aura surrounds floating ropes that start to tie you down to the table. You struggle, but nothing happens. You lay there helplessly, feeling the energy get drained out of your body. You glance over at Gaster as he starts to speak again. "First off, I'd like to see your soul. It's rather...interesting," he says with a smirk. You shake your head, terrified of what he would do if he got to your soul. "Stubborn, eh?" Gaster scoffs. His tentacle shoots at you again, but stopping in front of your chest. Slowly, you feel tugging at your chest. It's like the tendril is pulling on an invisible string, ripping out your soul from your own body. You wince in pain, tears threatening to fall. To not show that you're weak, you don't cry. You just wince every so often at the tugging. Soon, something glowing appears at your chest. A few more pulls and a heart flies out. It was grey/gray. You felt so confused. Gaster smirks. "I've never seen this soul before..." he mumbles as he examines the floating heart. You shudder every time he touches it. Soon he stops to scribble down notes on a sketchpad. W.D then runs over to a table, making papers go flying everywhere. More hands appear around him out of thin air, each glowing a different color. The hands search and search with Gaster's actual hands. A chuckle escapes his mouth as he picks up a paper. It had a black soul and a white soul on it. "Your father had a black soul, the trait of hate. If your soul is grey/gray that means your mother's soul had to be white, the trait of love. Was she a very nice woman?" He blabbers on and questions. You nod weakly, slowly losing consciousness. It starts to make sense, your dad's soul is black and your mom's white. White and black make grey/gray. "Now to figure out what your soul trait actually is..." he says to himself. The ropes loosely fall to the floor as you try to stand. But, you fail, and flop face first into the floor. A purple aura starts to surround you and you cannot move. It slowly brings you to a reddish, rusty dragon-head like machine. The mouth seems to be open as he stuffs you inside. The doors close in on you. Too weak to try and escape, you lay against the wall knowing you're a goner. You close your eyes, letting anything happen to you at this point. You can hear the machine starting up. It starts draining more of your power, making you even weaker than before if that's possible. On the Gaster's side, the screen flashes and starts showing answers. "D-Depression...?" he asks himself. He turns the machine off, leaving a hardly-conscious you inside. His "extra" hands come and drag you out of the machine. They begin again to tie you down to a experimenting table, but you don't resist. You just don't care anymore. Gaster soon comes back with a syringe in his hand with a strange liquid inside. Even though you're hardly awake, fear dreads up inside. A terrified expression is plastered onto your face. "Shh, it won't hurt...that badly. And we don't want others hearing us, right? Well, just hold still or it won't work right. I'm not killing you...yet at least," a devious smirk appears on his face as he claims that. So many thoughts cloud your head. I'm dying here, aren't I? Will I be saved? How will I die? When will I die? Will it be painful? Will he torture me before he kills me? He plunges the syringe deep into your neck. Still losing conscious, you still were able to scream in agony so loud that someone could hear a mile away. The pain was excruciating, tears trickled down your cheeks. "Just go to sleep, my new experiment..."
~Dream's POV~
I could sense distress. A lot of it too. So I decided to go to Ink to see if he's seen anything. I use my magical wand to make a portal to the anti-void. I run up to him. "Ink!" I call out, "Someone's in trouble!" "I can tell. Error said codes were getting messed up and AUs have been acting strange lately," Ink states in a serious tone. I never liked the serious Ink; he seemed so cold and heartless in that state. But I had to live with it in these situations.
~Error's POV~
Even if Ink's my enemy I can't have distress go around without me causing it. So, I decided to "help" Ink and search the codes for anything unusual. The codes were pretty odd so I dug deeper. Looking deeper and deeper, I found myself in the main AU, Undertale. There seemed to be two figures underneath Alphy's lab. One a monster and one a.....human?!

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