REAL Chapter 2

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Your eyelashes flutter open as you awaken from slumber. Where am I? You realize someone is standing in front of you with a pitch-black cloak. They were a...skeleton? But they're holding a scythe. "S-stay back!" You yell out to them. "I'm not going to hurt you, just don't touch me or you might die, k?" He states. You slowly nod your head in response. He sighs. "I'm Reaper Sans. But you can just call me Death. Your name's (Y/N), right?" San--Death asks you. Again, you nod your head as a 'yes'. "Well, '(Y/N)', you see, I was sent on a mission to kill ya'." His voice was dark. "But, I honestly couldn't do it. No matter how many people I killed, I've never come across such a cute sugar plum like you," he chuckles. Your face heats up. You giggle, "I'm n-not cute!" "Haha, yes you are. You sound like a Tsundere like that!" You face palm with a heated face. "By the way, you actually did die. But, my friend over here, the goddess of life, Toriel, known as Life, brought you back," he states. You did actually kill yourself? "Where is she?" You question. "Here, I'll call her up and say you want to speak with her." After Death and Life were conversing on the phone for a bit you got bored. If you were alive and this was all just like a dream right now, will everyone remember you like before? Or will you have a restart at life? If your father saw you dead will he want you back and not be abusive? Or just not care? You kept questioning yourself these questions. "Hey, kiddo, take my phone, speak with her," Death says to you. You grab the phone and put it up to your ear.
"Hello! This is Toriel, the goddess of Life. And whom am I speaking with?"
"U-Uh, my name is (Y/N)..."
"Oh! You're the one I saved earlier!"
"Heh, yeah, that's me. I just wanted to call and thank you for letting me have another chance at life. Heh, pun not included. But seriously, thank you."
"Your welcome my child, but, can I ask, why did you commit suicide?"
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have aske--"
"I hate my life."
"I hate my life. Everyone hates me, I hate them. I get bullied at school, my dad abuses me at home, and my friends have all either stopped being my friends or moved. I'm alone..."
"O-Oh...I'm so sorr--"
"You don't have to be. I've been like this my whole life. I got used to it. But, soon I was overwhelmed. I couldn't take it anymore that I took my own life..."
"My child, do not worry. I am sure your life will be get better soon. I promise."
"Thank you."
You hung up.
You handed the phone back to Death and he put it away. "Will I remember I died and have all my memories when I come back alive?" You ask. "You won't remember your death, no. You also won't remember us, for sure, and will forget some memories. You might remember your abusive dad and bullies at school but I don't know about your mom. Keep that heart necklace close to you at all times to remember her. And you'll remember your name, how old you are, that stuff. Does that clear it up?" Sans asks. "Yes, thank you so much Sans." "Death." "I like Sans. It suits you better." You smile as the dream starts to fade away and you're laying in bed listening to music. What was I doing? You pull out your earbuds and sit up. "(Y/N)!!! GET YOUR A$$ DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" Your father yells to you. Oh yeah, that. You slowly proceed to get off your bed and limp downstairs. "That's the second time I'll called for you!!!" Anger was laced in his voice. You whimper. "Now, clean up this f***ing mess. We have guests coming over and you'll be the server. Don't speak a word or make eye contact with any of the guests. If you do, you'll know the consequences," he states and smirks. A black aura surrounds you and you can't move. You struggle but nothing happens. With a swipe of his hand you get thrown into a nearby wall. (Btw his soul is hate, black. Your mom's soul is love, white. And your soul is grey/gray, depression. Hahaha sad ikr) Blood trickles down your forehead. You groan and sit up, cursing under your breathe as you make your way to the bathroom. You clean up your wound and bandage it up, not bothering to clean up the mess. You look through your closet to find the most cleanest, fanciest thing you could wear. Nothing popped up. "Ugh, he's gonna kill me..." you mumble under your breathe. Deciding to go in your mom's old closet, you find a beautiful (F/C) dress with matching shoes. Even though your the type that hates dresses, you gotta admit this one was beautiful and astonishing. You took off your old clothes and slid on the dress. Surprisingly, it fit perfectly. You smiled, remembering when your mom wore this to parties that you were "too young for". Heh, good times. You put the heels on and tried making your way downstairs without tripping. Key word, "tried". You fell and tumbled down the stairs face first. Turns out, the guests were already there waiting on the couch. You smile with a flushed face and stand up, going into the kitchen to get drinks for the guests. Your father greets you at the kitchen. "What the hell was that!" He yell/whispers to you. You shrug and mumble something he can't hear. "You're getting punished, I hope you know that," he states and walks back into the living room. The glasses of water were already set on the counter for you. Now you just had to bring them to the guests. You slide the glasses of water onto a tray and carefully walk to the couch with the guests. You gracefully give each one a drink. They thank you in response. You don't make eye contact but smile. "What's your name, sweet pea?" One asks you. You freeze, knowing you're not allowed to respond. "(Y-Y/N)..." you respond. "Cute name," they say back. You giggle. Your father just gives you a death glare. You stop your giggling and run back into the kitchen. You keep quiet and stare at the wall until you need to be called. Instead, you hear a loud ear-piercing scream. Instinctively, you run out to the living room. The guests are gone but, your father's dead on the ground. You laugh. He deserved it. You look around to see who did this but only see a shadowy figure in the corner...

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