Destiny Islands

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Sora slept stretched out on the warm sandy beaches of his home island, Destiny Islands. It was a beautiful day, as it usually was now that Sora and his friends finally conquered the last of the darkness. All the worlds that once had their pathways connected, were finally at peace. Not a spot of darkness was to be seen from all over the universe. Things were tranquil and easy going, Riku and Kairi returned with Sora to Destiny Islands, where they now resided with the other inhabitants. A light ocean breeze ruffled Sora's hair as footsteps steadily grew closer to the sleeping boy. The approaching man lightly tapped Sora on the head with a glass bottle he was holding. "Get up sleepy head, we got a message from the king."

Sora grudgingly opened up his eyes to see a silver haired boy peering over him with a bottle in his hand. "What now Riku? I told you I don't want to go to the main land with Tiddus" he said rolling over to his side. "This isn't about that stupid" Riku replied handing Sora the bottle. Sora Glared at it moodily as he took it from Riku's hands and pried open the cork that was sealing it shut. It opened with a *pop* as a letter gently slid into Sora's lap. "The king's seal!" Sora exclaimed hastily opening up the letter to read it's contents. "That's what I have been trying to tell you" Riku replied sighing as he sat next to Sora. "I hope everything is alright" Sora said worried as he skimmed the letter. His expression soon changed from a look of anxiety to eagerness. "Riku!" He exclaimed, "The king invited us to go to the castle for a celebration! Apparently it is Minnie's birthday next week." Riku grabbed the letter from Sora and glanced at the king's curly writing. "It wouldn't hurt to take a trip to see his majesty." Riku remarked after reading the letter with interest. "Yeah!" Sora responded with excitement. "I bet there will be all sorts of delicious food! We can see Donald and Goofy too!" Riku smiled at Sora's jubilant face. He really was excited for this trip. Sora jumped up joyfully telling Riku he was going to go tell Kairi before he scampered off to her house.

Riku fell back into the sand enjoying the warmth of the sun. "A celebration huh?" he said out loud. The last celebration Riku had been to was Sora's birthday party. He rolled over to his side letting the sand fall off his back. The ocean waves were like a lullaby slowly letting Riku drift off into sleep. He let his eyes relax as he engrossed himself in his dream world. Everything was black. Riku was standing in the middle of darkness alone. He frantically looked around, hoping to see some sort of light. Anything. He began to run in one direction, he was starting to panic. "No, I can't get lost again!" Riku yelled into the nothingness. Then a light appeared. Riku paused for a moment shielding his eyes from the dazzling brilliance now radiating from the figure. As his eyes adjusted to the light he scrutinized the luminous figure before him. It was Sora. He was beaming a smile at Riku with an outstretched hand in his direction. Riku grasped Sora's hand without hesitation, Sora looked absolutely thrilled.

Riku shot up freezing on the cold shores of the island. He looked up at the now darkened sky shivering from the brisk winds. "Why didn't Sora wake me up?" he muttered to himself ascending from the now cool sand. He brushed the rest of the gravel off his jeans before heading over to Sora's house. As he walked he thought about the dream that had just occurred. All of his dreams were like this now. Always in the darkness with Sora saving him at the end. What could it mean? He wondered. Riku sneezed as he walked up the steps of Sora's front porch. He didn't bother knocking when he arrived, he carefully opened the door to a pleasant waft of warm air. "Sora I'm coming in" Riku yelled up the stairs hoping his friend would hear. Riku trodded up the staircase noticing crashes and bangings coming from Sora's room. Riku sighed, he knew what Sora was doing.

Riku opened the door to a flustered Sora trying to stuff as many objects into his closet as possible. "O-oh Riku, I didn't know you were coming by." He said in a muddled voice. Riku snickered as Sora attempted to keep his closet shut, to no avail. Everything came tumbling out at once on top of Sora. Sora's head popped out from all the rubble he was buried under. Riku couldn't help but laugh at Sora's bewildered face. He loved how much of a goof ball he was. After Riku calmed himself down from his laughing fit he sat on Sora's soft bed and made himself comfortable. "So, what were you doing?" he asked, already knowing the answer. "W-well I was so excited for tomorrow that I started packing early" Sora replied embarrassed. "You don't have to take your entire room with you, you know?" Riku smirked. "Well I don't know what I'll need!" Sora replied defiantly. "What if we are going to play card games?" He held up a deck of cards as he said this. "Or maybe we will tell scary stories!" He help up an old Halloween mask. Riku guessed he got it from Halloween town. "Your face is scary enough, you don't need a mask" Riku replied sarcastically. "Hey, cut it out!" Sora said pouting, "What should I bring then?" he asked.

Riku pondered for a moment, "Just the necessities, a tooth brush, perhaps a change of clothes?" Sora sighed, "All right fine, at least help me clean up all this mess" he gestured to his now cluttered floor. Riku walked up to Sora sitting in the middle of his room, "Clean up your own messes" Riku replied playfully rubbing Sora's head. "H-hey stop that!" Sora said attempting to remove Riku's hand. But Riku didn't move, something compelled him not to stop. He brushed Sora's hair with his hand, was it always that soft? He held Sora's gaze as he stroked his silky hair. His fingers slowly traveled to the back of his head, then to his neck where he traced Sora's jawline.

"Riku?" Sora asked concerned. Riku ignored him as he gradually brought his face closer to Sora's, wanting more. But what did he want? He could smell Sora's sweet scent now. The shampoo he used, the soap, his clothes. It seemed to entrance him. Their faces were inches apart now, Sora's breathing grew heavier with nervous anticipation. Riku slowly tipped Sora's head back, touching his lips with his thumb while his other fingers stroked his jawline. Riku's stare burned into Sora's ocean blue eyes that were now ensnared in Riku's heavily lidded gaze. Riku lowered his head to Sora's neck where he lightly placed his lips upon Sora's bare skin. Sora shivered as Riku gracefully let his lips wonder from his jawline to his collarbone.

Sora gasped and jumped away from Riku. Riku felt a sense of loss as Sora's warm cheek left his hand. "W-what was that supposed to be?" Sora asked embarrassed with a pink tint to his face. Riku stared at him blankly, unsure of what to say. Sora turned even more red when Riku didn't respond to him. "I...I think I am going to sleep on the couch tonight" "Uh, yeah" was all Riku could think to reply with. Sora clumsily got up off the floor then walked past Riku to his bed to grab a blanket. He wrapped the blanket around his arm then shuffled to the doorway. He put one hand on the door knob then hesitated. He turned around to face Riku like he was going to say something. Then, seemingly changing his mind, he exited the room shutting the door behind him.

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