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                                                                       ~ Riku's point of vision~

Riku sat at one of the many decorated tables watching people mingle about in front of him. He wasn't much of the social type so he kept mostly to himself during the party. He sighed placing his head on his hands waiting for the night to pass by. He mindlessly gazed at the chattering crowd wishing that it was over. That reminded him, he needed a room to stay in for tonight. Luckily King Mickey was near him conversing with other attendees. He steadily got to his feet and walked over to him.

"Oh Riku! Are you enjoying yourself?" Mickey said as soon as he saw Riku approaching. "Of course your majesty" Riku replied with a charming smile. "No one throws a party like you do." "You flatter me" Mickey laughed. "So did you need something?" "I was just wondering where you wanted me to sleep tonight" Riku replied. "Let's see..." Mickey took out a long roll of parchment and scanned it for Riku's name. "Oh dear, it seems I may have made a mistake." Mickey said with a frown. "Is there something wrong?" Riku replied concerned. "Well, More guests showed up then I expected so we do not have many vacant rooms" Mickey said with his ears drooping. "We only have one room left, would you mind sharing it with Sora?"

Riku's heart skipped a beat. Sharing a room with Sora? Of course he didn't mind, but would Sora be okay with it? At that moment Sora appeared out of a crowd of people and approached the two of them. "Hey Mickey, what room am I sleeping in? I am beat" Sora said with a yawn. "Oh about that, I hope you don't mind sharing a room with Riku." Riku watched him carefully to see his reaction. He watched as Sora glanced up at him nervously. It felt like hours went by instead of seconds waiting for the younger boy to reply. "I suppose that is fine" Sora said with a light blush. Riku couldn't help letting a sigh of relief slip. He was sure Sora would refuse and demand another room. Maybe things could still be fixed, their friendship could finally go back to the way it was.

"Well that's settled then!" Mickey said happily. Mickey gave Sora and Riku the coordinates to their room and allowed them to tuck in for the night. "Well, we should get going." Riku softly said to Sora. "Y-yeah of course." Riku silently walked by Sora waiting for him to talk. He didn't want to start a conversation himself in case Sora was still angry with him. But Sora never said a word the entire walk there, So Riku busied himself looking at the paintings decorating the castle walls. The walk seemed to take ages but they finally reached their room after about three minutes. Riku stopped and opened the wooden door with the key Mickey had provided him with. He let Sora enter the room first before looking inside.

Inside one thing caught his eye immediately, there was only one bed. His first instinct was too look at Sora for his reaction. Sora was fidgeting and looked completely uncomfortable with the situation. Riku sighed. Of course it would turn out like this, Why couldn't anything go right for him anymore? So much for going back to how things used to be. "I'll go ask the king if we can have a different room" Riku said, not wanting Sora to be uncomfortable by his presence. "No, this is fine." Sora replied looking at the floor.

Riku stood there stunned for a moment. So it was okay? Then he realized he was kind of hoping for Sora to leave. If Sora left, he wouldn't have the chance to do anything to him. That would definitely be for the best. What if he lost control again and latched on to Sora? He would have to control himself, he would not let himself hurt Sora again. Yet he couldn't contain the slight shake in his voice when he said "If you insist." Sora awkwardly shuffled to his bag and grabbed his pajamas. "I'm going to change quick." Riku nodded his head as he watched Sora quickly scurry to the bathroom.

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