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 Riku woke up to warm blankets and a brightly lit room. He blinked a few times letting his eyes adjust, but it was pleasant. He then remembered what happened with Sora last night, he instinctively held his arms closer to himself. He looked down to discover Sora lightly sleeping in his arms. Sora was resting on Riku's right arm, snoozing as if nothing in the world ever bothered him. Riku stared at Sora for a little while. A smile teased at the corner of his lips, the man he loved was resting in his arms. If only this moment would last forever. Sora stirred in his sleep and snuggled into Riku's chest as if frightened. Riku happily sighed and began to softly pet Sora's soft hair to comfort him. Riku watched Sora blissfully and began to hum. For five minutes the two boys laid there peacefully while Riku hummed an old tune stroking Sora's hair.

After a while Sora's eyes fluttered open. For a moment he stared at Riku's chest confused, then remembering what happen a slight blush formed on his warm cheeks. He looked up at Riku who stopped humming. "Good morning Sora" Riku said smiling. "Oh... Uh... Good morning Riku" Sora replied awkwardly. Riku watched as Sora sat up and left the warmth of his embrace. Riku slightly frowned at Sora moving away from him but allowed it. Sora moved to the edge of the bed where he sat cross legged. He then turned to Riku and opened his mouth to speak, but at that moment a loud pounding sounded at their door. "You guys better get out here! The party is about to start!" A random voice yelled excitedly. Sora glanced eagerly at the door then back at Riku. "It's fine, we can talk about it later. I know how much you are looking forward to this party, let's go." Sora gave him an apologetic look and jumped out of bed and quickly dressed into his clothes. Riku did the same and followed Sora out the door. The crowd quickly swept them away and Riku soon found himself back in the entrance hall with many chattering people.

Eventually everyone started playing party games and enjoying themselves to the fullest. Riku went back to his chair in the corner where he happily watched everyone mingle with only one thing on his mind, Sora. All of his previous worries had vanished in one night, he felt like the happiest man in the world. And all Sora had to do was kiss him. His heart leaped at the thought that Sora might feel the same way he did. At that moment Sora and Kairi ran up from the crowd to Riku. "Why are you sitting here all alone you mopey butt!" Kairi said teasingly. "Why don't you join in on the celebration" Sora said happily. "You know I'm not much of a people person" Riku said smiling half heartedly. "I suppose we will have to bring the party to you then!" Sora said sitting in the chair next to Riku. They did indeed bring the party to Riku, as more and more people began to sit at their table in favor of talking with Sora. Sora chatted with everyone at the table stealing nervous glances at Riku. Riku sat there occasionally throwing a comment or two into the conversation but mostly kept to himself, until he noticed Sora's hand in his lap.

His chair was a fair distance from his but not far enough to be unable to reach. What if he reached over there and grabbed his hand? The thought of Sora trying to keep up his steady chatting pace with everyone without getting embarrassed while Riku held his hand sounded amusing. Riku slyly reached over to hold Sora's hand when Leon passed Sora a drink. Sora reached up to grab the beverage leaving Riku's hand hovered in the air. Riku grumpily withdrew his hand and steamed in his chair. "What is this Leon?" Sora asked examining the bubbly drink. Leon snickered and whispered something in Yuffie's ear that made her giggle uncontrollably. "Try it, you'll love it Sora." Leon said in his husky voice. Sora eagerly began to down the liquid until the glass was empty. He then stuck out his tongue in disgust, "What was that Leon, it tasted very bitter." "Trust me, you'll love it here in about an hour" Leon said snickering.

Now Riku was curious what Leon gave him, he picked up the glass Sora drank from and sniffed it. It reeked of Alcohol. "Leon, did you give Sora booze?" Riku asked in disgust. "Ah c'mon Riku, don't you want to see what Sora is like when he is drunk?" Leon said laughing. Of course he did, but not with other people around. And ESPECIALLY not without asking Sora if he wanted to drink it first. Although the thought of a clumsy drunk Sora did amuse him. But only HE wanted to see that, he didn't want anyone else to see Sora like that. He mentally slapped himself, it was like he was a jealous school girl. Riku looked at Sora to see him examining the glass with interest. He sighed, no helping it now.

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