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  Kairi was sitting in between Sora and Riku, which Sora was grateful for. He didn't want to be right by Riku. Sora happily chatted with Kairi trying to keep Riku off his mind. Even so, he couldn't help but glance at him every once in a while. Riku was staring moodily out the window, watching the stars and different radiant galaxies zoom past them. Sora pried his eyes away from Riku to watch Kairi as she tried to explain the difference between her outfits and her makeup. Sora made the mistake of telling her she looked good in anything instead of hopelessly trying to recommend outfits to wear. She sighed and started to slightly blush at Sora's remark. At the same time, Riku shifted in his seat and began to grumble under his breath. Sora realized he made a misstep and stared out the window opposite of Riku.

His mind wandered to the events of the previous night. He was still in a daze and couldn't understand what happened. Riku and Sora had been buddies for awhile now, but nothing like THAT ever happened between them. Why did Riku do that? He hung his head baffled. He had no experience with this stuff, he wished he could ask someone. Suddenly he perked up. He knew who he could ask! "Hey Kairi!" Kairi turned to him merrily, "What's up Sora?" "Well, me and Riku were together last night and something strange happened." A bolt of lightning ran down Riku's spine. He stumbled over Kairi and slapped a hand over Sora's mouth. Sora tried to talk through Riku's hand but Riku slammed his other hand over the previous one. "Don't worry about it Kairi" Riku said charmingly "Sora just had a rough night last night." He then quickly whispered into Sora's ear "Don't tell anyone about that, they will misunderstand." Sora quickly nodded his head and pointed to Riku's hands. Riku released Sora mumbling a quick apology before going back to his sulky spot by the window. Kairi sat there bewildered as Sora gasped for air. "Uh, never mind Kairi, what about your outfits?" Kairi wasn't sure if she should let this drop or not, but she decided it was best left be. Kairi filled the awkward silence the rest of the way to the kingdom with pointless chattering.

Finally the Gumi Ship came to a halt and the door opened to let the inhabitants get off. Sora excitedly departed the ship to find himself on a golden stone pathway that led up to a breath taking blue castle. The sun light shimmered over the castle towers making it sparkle with a kind of magic that only the kingdom harbored. Lush plants grew along the side walk trimmed to be different animals or shapes. Sora delightedly ran down the lane yelling "Goofy! Donald! Mickey! You guys!" Donald came out of the castle first to check where all the noise was coming from. As soon as he saw Sora dashing down the path he yelled for Goofy and ran to greet Sora with a hug. Sora and Donald fell onto the ground laughing and hugging each other. Sora ecstatically waved at Goofy as he left the castle too, Goofy jumped on Sora and Donald to join in on the dog pile. The three of them began talking to each other at once, then laughed and caressed each other again. Riku and Kairi stepped out of the Gumi Ship and smiled at Sora. At that moment Mickey exited the castle, "Your majesty" Riku beamed. Mickey jumped into an embrace with Riku, Riku joyfully threw Mickey into the air before giving him another hug.

"I'm glad you guys could make it!" Mickey laughed. "Of course we wouldn't miss Minnie's birthday!" Sora exclaimed under Donald and Goofy. "How is she doing?" Kairi asked happily. "Swell!" Mickey replied. "Come on inside guys! everyone can't wait to see you!" Sora untangled himself from Donald and Goofy and followed the king inside with Riku and Kairi following. The castle was beautifully decorated for the occasion with balloons and different colored ribbons. Sora was immediately greeted by everyone in the kingdom with hand shakes and happy faces. Sora just ended a conversation with Daisy when Minnie came down the grand staircase. Sora sprang at her quickly yelling "Happy Birthday Minnie!" Minnie giggled, "My birthday isn't until tomorrow silly." "Then I'll say it again tomorrow" Sora replied smiling. The rest of the day was filled with people mingling around to get food and chatting with one another. By the end of the night Sora managed to talk to everyone attending the party. Riku mainly stayed to himself, but conversed with a few people here and there. Kairi talked to the other girls and occasionally got more fruit punch.

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