Chapter 2

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I didn't see Frank again until lunch. And when I did I decided to sit with him. I grabbed an apple from the lunch line and made my way over to Bert, Pete, Ray, Brendon, and Dallon; my main group of friends. I noticed that Bob was with them and I internally groaned.

"Hey cutie," He sang. I rolled my eyes. Bob was always hitting on me and asking me out. At first I was flattered, now it's just annoying.

"I think I'm going to sit with Frank, the new kid, today," I said to my friends. They nodded.

"That's fine, girl," Dallon said. "We'll miss you."

I grinned at them and wandered around the cafeteria until I finally found Frank. He was sitting alone and looking down at a few sheets of paper. I sat across from him and peered through his dreads at the papers. They were guitar tabs.

"Hey, Frank," I said. He looked up and gave me the same smirk.

"Hey, Gee," He said simply. I looked at the tabs again.

"You play guitar?" I asked. He nodded and sat up straight.

"I do. Rhythm guitar's my favorite. Do you do anything musical?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not really," I lied. "I'm more of a drawing/writing person."

"That's cool! Do you like writing comics?"

"That's one of my main passions!" I said taking my sketchpad and pencil kit out of my backpack. I flipped to a comic I had been working on for a while.

"This is one of my favorites. It's called The Umbrella Academy," I exclaimed. His eyes beamed as he scanned the page.

"Damn, Gee...these are really good," He said. I blushed. He pointed to a character that was in extremely revealing clothing. "She's like half naked."

I giggled. "I would never dress my characters in something I wouldn't wear myself," I said a little too proudly. He laughed loudly.

"I bet that's a sight to see," He said locking eye contact with me. I stared into his hazel eyes, of which reminded me of my own, before breaking the eye contact and opening my pencil kit.

"You like to keep your things neat, huh?" He said while eyeing the organized pencils.

"It used to be arranged in rainbow order, but I thought shade was a lot more adult," I rambled. "Then I went back to rainbow, but again thought shade made more sense."

I looked up to see him smiling at me softly, a dazed look in his eye. I felt sick all of a sudden. I literally just went on to this rad fucking dude, who's arms were covered in tattoos now that I payed attention, about how I organize my colored pencils. Maybe this is why my friends treated me like a little...

"Jesus, I just rambled about how I organized my pencils. I'm sorry," I said. I took out a red and started coloring in a character, trying to distract my embarrassment.

"No, it's fine. I think it's adorable," He said. I looked up at him through my lashes and barely whispered a "thanks."

The bell rang and we were both forced to shove our things back into our bags. I pushed my bangs out of my eyes, picked up my bag, and looked at Frank. He handed me a small slip of paper and walked off. Blush still lingered on my face as I walked back to my friends. Dallon and I had the last few classes together, so I walked with him to Chemistry.

"We were kind of spying on you," Dallon said. My mouth fell open and I had to resist the urge of hitting the table. I shoved a beaker full of whatever the hell at Dallon and pretended to read instructions.

"Why?" I asked putting the instructions down.

"Because Frank was talking about you all day with Pete. He just kept talking about how he loved your voice and hair. He said you were absolutely stunning and he wanted to get to know you," He said. I blushed furiously.

"You're kidding," I said in a low voice. Dallon shook his head.

"Not at all Gee," He said. "I watched him give you a piece of paper, did you even look at it?"

I quickly took the paper out of my skirt pocket (the uniform skirts have pockets) and opened it. It was a bunch of numbers. Oh my was his number.

"He gave me his number," I whispered as Dallon continued the lab. Dallon snorted.

"Awesome," He chuckled. I giggled and stowed the paper away.

The day went on pretty quickly. I had 2 periods in the afternoon after lunch, and Frank wasn't in either. I tried to stay positive and remember that I could still see him at lunch and I still had first period with him. I walked out of the school with Ray and Brendon. We would meet up with the other guys and hangout on campus for an hour.

"Bob's been getting worse," I said in a small voice to Ray. Brendon rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"He's such a pervert, man," Brendon said. He took out a cigarette and lit it. We walked over to the smoking zone, and I was still shocked they had one. The other guys were there too.

"You guys talking about Bob?" Pete asked, a cigarette hung from his lips. I nodded. Pete handed me a cigarette and lit it for me. I took a drag and choked on the smoke as Bob approached our group.

"Hey, baby," Bob said with a smirk. I ignored him and looked at Dallon for help as I took another drag.

"Bob, I think you should go. It's not good for you to be around all this smoke," He said, faking an excuse. There were six guys smoking, but none of us cared about Bob's health.

Bob walked over to me and slung an arm around my shoulder. I tried to move away, but he pulled my closer.

"Bob..." I protested shyly. He moved to touch my ass, and I shrieked. I watched as Frank sprinted over.

"Hey, Bryar, why don't you fuck off?" He growled. Bob pushed me aside and I fell into Brendon's arms.

"What are you gonna do about it, Iero?" Bob countered. This was Frank's first day here. No way they could know each other like that.

"Just leave him alone, you prick. He isn't interested," Frank said.

"Yeah, piss off," Pete piped up.

"Stay out of it, Wentz!" Bob shouted. "This fight's between Iero and I."

At this, everyone stomped out their cigarettes, including me. They stepped up to Bob, but he stood his ground. Dallon stepped in front of me. I whined and tried to get around him, but he pushed me back. They always protected me, especially when I was dressed as a girl. I hated it.

"Get out of here, Bob. We don't want trouble," Ray said.

"I'll get out of here if Gee agrees to go on a date with me tomorrow night," Bob retorted.

"He doesn't fucking want to!" Frank yelled.

"Let the chick speak for himself," Bob spat. I managed to push in front of Dallon. I stared Bob in the eye. He smiled. "What do you say, baby?"

"I say...fuck off," I said in a low tone. His eyes widened and I watched him pull his arm back. He was going to hit me. Before I could react, Frank was there. Though he was smaller than everyone, he managed to grab Bob's arm and flip him on his back.

I knew better than to stay around, so I picked up my bag and walked off a ways. The rest of my friends had picked up their bags and looked like they were going to follow me. They got passed the smoking zone, Frank was right behind them. But Bob got up and dragged Frank to the ground.

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