Chapter 4

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Damn, it's been a hot minute since I updated. 



I nearly spit my coffee out. "W-What?" I asked, choking on my drink.

"Well...he was here when I got home. That was around 9:30. When I saw him, he was leaving your room. I told him it was okay if you two did have sex but-"

"Mom! Frank and I didn't have sex! We were just hanging out," I blushed. She nodded slowly, smiling.

"Okay, hon. But, it's totally okay if you did," She assured.

I took my mug to my room and started getting ready. I saw the note on my table. I smiled and read it over again. It gave me motivation, so I got ready quickly, did a full face of extravagant makeup, and even straighten my hair. I smirked at myself and fixed my skirt.

Back downstairs, my mother held my bag and her keys. "I can give you a ride to school?"

"That'd be rad, mama," I said. She giggled and we were out the door.

On the way there she sighed and looked over at me. A sad smile broke out on her face, it made me a little nervous.

"You know, Gee...I did always want a daughter as well as a son," She started. I gave her a confused look.

"Why didn't you try for a second kid then?" I asked. She seemed to freeze and her gaze shifted everywhere.

"It's not- well, there were medical complications after we had, uh, you. And your father didn't want anymore children," She explained. I could only nod.

"You could've adopted. I mean, hell, you still can! You're young enough," I said.

She laughed. "That's nice, Gee, but it's a lot of money." There was a few moments of silence. "But back to the first thing I said. I did always want a daughter. Someone I could do makeup with, and go shopping. Do our nails, bake. All kinds of stuff. And then...well, you gave that to me. I could do all that "girl" stuff, and only have one kid, who happened to be born a boy. I'm just...I'm very thankful that you're my baby. Thank you for being you, Gee."

I cried and laughed. "I love you, mama."

We pulled into the school and I waved, seeing Dallon, so I hurried off. He flashed a grin at me and we walked around campus for a little bit. I remembered it was almost the weekend.

"It's finally Friday," I sighed.

"I know. This week seemed to last like years," Dallon said. I nodded in agreement. "Hey, you going to Toro's party tonight? His folks are out of town on a vacation."

"I guess I'll go," I said. "Shit, man, we haven't been to a big house party since last year at Pete's."

"We've all been busy," He shrugged. As we said this a girl with dark hair who kind of looked like me walked into our view. This was Jamia. And her stomach was a little rounder than it was a few months ago. Dallon scoffed. "Looks like Jamia's been especially busy. Who do you think knocked her up?"

"Ew...I don't know," I grimaced. The thought of pregnancies at this age made me sick. Couldn't people wait until after highschool?

"Whatever...back to the party. Toro's making it a strict "must have date" policy. He's hiring people and all, you gotta have a date. Wanna go with me?" He asked. I looked at him a little confused. Last I checked Dallon and I were friends, and just friends. He obviously noticed my confusion. "Relax, just so we can get in. I know you got your eye on Frank." He winked.

I blushed and shoved him. "Oh, whatever. Yeah, I'll go with you," I giggled, and then froze. "Wait, what if Frank goes?"

"Then you can go with him. Brendon said he'd be my date if you couldn't. Just do whatever, Gee," He said. I smiled and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we continued walking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2017 ⏰

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