First tag of the 4th book

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I was tagged by accio-marauders

I was tagged by accio-marauders

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1. I have two phones. An iPhone5 and an iPhone6s+ but I usually only use the 6s+.

2. I have more than a crush! :D

3. March 10th

4. In real life, Carsten, Johanna, Michael, AJ, Korri
Online, Silver, Grant, Leo, Queen, and anyone else who doesn't hate me at the moment^^;

5. It changes. Often. But right now I'd have to say it's Semi-Automatic or maybe Nerves...

6. Everyone I consider my friends hating me...

7. Brown

8. Lunch! Nah just kidding, I'd say Communications because my teacher is nice and she's taking the class to Washington DC in May

9. I'm not in any soOOo I dunno

10. Okay but they only tagged five so hAh

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