Oops im bacm

28 2 5

Ope I died for a while

But I'm back now, so uh yay

Here I'll describe all mfrp characters in one to two!sentences

Evan- problematic tree kid in the striped polo.

Veronica- housewife who likes beaches and slipshods. and Connor.

Madelyn- wants to be famous or something. likes Jared.

Connor- edgy bundle of emotions who's actually pretty nice. also a suicidal ghost with no self confidence.

Jared- works at Oregano and is ultra!soft. self harms but everybody loves him.

Zoe- Connor's chill sister.

Hannah- died a few times. doesn't really serve any purpose to the story but is there.

Laura- ghost who stole Connor's sink once >:(

Fiona- a ghost, but Jared's the only one who can see her and she's kinda forgotten now...

Cynthia- Connor's edgy mother. doesn't really do anything important but I still use her for stuff.

Larry- Connor's edgy father. has an unhealthy obsession with causing his son emotional pain.

Lucy- ew idk what to put here tbh

Delacour- edgy doctor who I think died or something. he's British and he hates Fiona and Jared.

And because my mom finished showing me the campus of my school and I have nothing to do now, I'll do the ships too. HEh.

Connor X Laura- it was like the first ship but it wasn't actually ever canon and everybody forgot about it.

Coronnica- the first canon ship here. they're basically the same person and it's adorable and skfbdksnfnd

JD X Laura- JD's a playa

Evaura- Laura tries again. tbh this was a crack ship that accidentally became canon.

Evan X Tree- just had to put this in here

Evath- first fifteen minutes of meeting each other: "our love is trees"

Jarelyn- kinky! that's literally all this ship is.

Connor X Weed- spicy. but Connor chooses Veronica over weed.

That was a hella lot of typing

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