Things i really should keep track of

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You can ignore this, I just have so many characters in multi-fandom rp I have to keep track of ;-;

Tord- my main guy, anti-hero, unpredictable, apologizes for stuff a lot, smart, irritable, and kinda violent
Friends; Mary, Veronica
Enemies; Patryck, Lucy
Ehhh; Paul, JD

Patryck- new leader of the red army, cold, calculative, intelligent, a jerk
Friends; Paul, Lucy, JD
Enemies; Tord, Mary
Ehhh; Veronica

Paul- new general of the red army, quiet, more of a follower than a leader, not particularly smart, unsure of himself
Friends; Patryck, Lucy, JD
Enemies; Really none
Ehhh; Tord, Mary, Veronica

JD- newcomer in the red army, cocky, belligerent, selfish, no regards for other people's feelings, likes killing things
Friends; Patryck, Lucy
Enemies; Tord, Mary
Ehhh; Veronica, Paul

Yeah I have to control all of them aiehdksjdhfjdnsdj
Yes it's JD from Heathers

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