Green Eggs And Weed

25 3 9

A/N: my friend forced me to. I said green eggs and weed at school today and he told me to make it an actual book. He gave me some of the lines and ideas, and I did the writing.

Hannah liked a lot of things. She liked paperclips, rope, microwaving butterflies in her spare time... but most of all, she loved weed.

She ate it, drank it, bathed in it. Hannah loved the weed.

Every morning at 6:47am she left home and went to the bathroom in Horizon Market, where Jeffery sold the weed. (Her favorite time to be high was before class. Her grades weren't too good.)

One day, when Hannah was on her usual weed route to the Horizon Market bathroom, the door didn't open. She checked the clock. It was 6:47am. She decided to knock on the bathroom door. No one answered. She began to panic.

"JEFFERY YOU CAN'T JUST LOCK THE BATHROOM DOOR!" she wailed, pounding on it.

Rob, Hannah's least favorite ginger employee, came up behind her. "The girl's bathroom is undergoing construction; we received reports of a homeless man selling weed--"

Going through withdrawal, Hannah ripped out a piece of Rob's ginger hair. She screamed, knowing she would never have the weed again, and ran off.

It wasn't long before she became a crazed serial killer. She would hide in her victims' fridges overnight and drink their 2% milk before killing them in the morning. (She would only drink the milk if it was 2%.)

Often people would ask her: "Hannah, what do you do before you kill your victims?"

Her only response was, "That's for me to know and you to find out. Unless you lock your doors and windows."

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