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(Note: play the music while you read this chapter, it's not a good chapter buts its what I got 👆🏼)

Both of them walked down the sidewalk finally arriving at the park, Rebbeca gently linked her fingers in Camila's hand and felt the smooth skin that made contact with hers. The blind girl noticed that Camila smelled different, she didn't smell like faint vanilla anymore she smelled like a flower fragrance which Rebbeca loved even more.

Camila squeezed her hand like she did when they were at the bus stop, it felt nice and warm and made multiple butterflies of different colors appear inside her stomach. Her eyes landed at Rebbeca who was looking straight, every time she looked at her with those chocolate curls she had and her perfect peachy skin she couldn't help but fall in love with her. Rebbeca had such a beautiful personality and an appearance, too bad she couldn't see that herself.
"Camila?" She heard her soft voice say, she turned her head toward Rebbeca and looked at her "Can you describe what you look like?"

Camila felt a hint of shyness when she got asked that question but she couldn't stand to turn her down "Well.. I have long dark brown hair, I'm tall, I have brown eyes, I'm 18 and I love reading" she said, Camila felt stupid feeling as if she flunked at the simple task. But Instead of getting a laugh she got a smile "You sound pretty" Rebbeca said, they both kept walking still holding hands. There were some people that gave them weird stares but Camila tried to ignore most of them, it honestly didn't matter to her she was just glad Rebbeca was by her side.
The blind girl would gently squeeze her hand whenever someone passed by making Camila study her more.

"Can we sit down, I'm sorta tired?" Rebbeca asked, She let go of Rebbeca's hand and nodded testing her. She took her seat on a nearby bench, and plopped herself next to Rebbeca "Sorry, for making you sit down" she heard the other girl whisper.
"It's alright" Camila replied, there was slight silence in the air except for the sound of wind and people walking around.

"Do you like movies?" Rebbeca asked, Camila nodded then realized that she had to respond for her to know, but Rebbeca somehow got the memo. "Would you like to maybe come over my house and watch a movie?" She questioned, confusion washed over Camila as she furrowed her eyebrows.
"Wait? Aren't you supposed to be blind?" She questioned, Rebbeca tensed up but then grinned looking into her cute chocolate eyes.
"What if I told you.. that I was never blind. And never was this whole time" Rebbeca smiled at her, she leaned in so close but not too much to make her seem eager.

"What if I told you.." Camila whispered as she suddenly started to scoot closer to her casually "That I knew this entire time" she finished saying as she closed the gap between them, connecting they're lips together. The two girls felt sparks of fireworks light up inside her chests, both of them closed they're eyes ignoring the disgusting looks people who walked by gave them. Camila didn't care and neither did Rebbeca they both could give less of a shit then to pay attention to homophobic's. Fuck them all, they don't know what love means and never will. Love is love it doesn't matter where it comes from as long as it's pure.

The girls continued to feel like they were in paradise for as long as they desired.

I hope you liked my shitty ass short story lol I was feeling for an aesthetic mode but I failed. Oh welp. Also did you like my attempt at trying to fix this book with that surprisingly catchy piano song 😂

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