Age 8

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Papa, I'm going to write this whole thing by myself because Mommy always makes me stop. Last year, I had lots of best friends. Even some boys! Not this year. All the boys are mean. My best friend is Ginny. We hang out together ALL ThE TIME. I wish I was just like her. She's so smart and pretty and she's not afraid of teachers. I am. Even though Mrs. Malone is really nice. She yelled at Tony once and that was scary. I'm now always really worried that she'll yell at me.

Mommy cut my hair, even though I told her not to. I wanted it to grow to my feet like Rapunzal in the book I found at the library, but she said that was a stupid dream and that it would get dirty. But I promise I would wash it!

I wrote a report in school last week about squirrels. We did all kinds of research. I found a cute picture of squirrels nuzzling each other. I said they were mating, then Dono laughed at me. He said that's not what it meant. Whatever. I hate Dono. He's stupid like a dinosaur. Dono the Dino.

I read books called Percy Jackson! I love them so much! I'm sure I'm a daughter of Athena, because I'm sure Mommy isn't my real mom. Did you have love with Athena? You should have, because she's awesome. Mommy says that those books teach bad lessons and make children rebel against there parents, but I know she's wrong. She's stupid, and that's why she's not my mom.

I miss you, Papa!

I learned my name in cursive! We're learning the alphabet.

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