Conclusion A

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This is the happier ending. For an alternative ending, go to the next chapter.

Dear Natalia,
I'm coming home! Prepare all the letters and picture from the years, for I am coming to read them! About your mother, I understand. We'll have to talk. If it doesn't work out, I will take you and we'll move somewhere wonderful and start over getting to know each other.

Before you read what I'm about to tell you, know that I have treasured each and every one of your letters. Natty, that wasn't me responding once a year. That was my comrade. I was sick, in a way, for seven years. They couldn't move me or take me home, and I couldn't get your letters. That leaves you at a bit of a disadvantage in knowing me, but I intend to fix that.

I'm coming home.
Infinities of love,
Your Papa

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