Age 13

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Dear Papa,
I'm so sorry! My last letter was unforgivable. I sent it in a fit of rage, and by the time I calmed down, it was on its way to you.

I'm saying this now because I really need someone. Ginny isn't who she used to be. She's mean to me. In fact, every day she says something mean, or nothing at all. Last week, I said nothing to anyone all lunch, so I didn't talk at all. That's right- nobody realized that I was there and silent. I'm going to keep doing that until Ginny is the one to initiate conversation, and only if it's polite.

I've had more time to read, though, with my lack of friends. I read every book Wilkie Collins ever wrote. I love him! But Ginny made fun of me for reading old books.

Papa, I don't know how much more of this I can take. It's like a constant barrage of unkindness from school and home. Where do I go? What do I do? Everyone says high school is better. I need to hold out till then.

Lots and lots of love from

I'm Waiting, PapaWhere stories live. Discover now