Chapter Two:

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Chapter Two:
"You....called a meeting Chancellor?" Mace Windu asked as him and all of the Council sat in a U shape in the room.

Mace and Yoda sat head of the Council, large square windows displayed the city of Coruscant behind them. The sunlight shined in the bright, mostly white room except for the large Republic symbol in the center of the room in the middle all of the Council sitting in their circular white chairs. The Chancellor moved to the center of the room wearing his long black and blue robe. He folded his fingers within one another, folding his hands together. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes. A tear rolled down his cheek.

Anakin and Obi-Wan walked into the room. The chancellor turned, tears welled up in his eyes. Anakin seemed concerned.

"Sorry we are late Master Yoda." Obi-Wan said.

"It is okay...Master Kenobi." Yoda nodded.

"So...what's this all about?" Anakin asked somewhat nervous.

"Don't be nervous''s quite alright." The Chancellor said.

"But're in tears...what is going on?" Anakin asked, concerned.

"Some of our biggest assets..have been bombed.
I got word today...from Naboo security forces that there were bombings today....not only there but some also nearby here on Coruscant near a bar some of the Senators were at as well as on Alderaan about five miles from the palace....the Queen of Alderaan herself notified me of that." Palpatine said.

"Bombings?" Obi-Wan asked intently.

"Correct..." Palpatine answered in return.

Palpatine sighed.

"Why did we know nothing of this sooner?" Yoda asked.

"I wanted to arrange this meeting to tell all of YOU when I could.... Keep it within the Senate and The Council." Palpatine said, wiping the tear from his eye.

"Understood." Kit Fisto said, pardoning it with a kind nod.

"Who would do such a thing is the question." Obi-Wan asked.

Palpatine took a breath.

"I'm not exactly sure Master Kenobi...perhaps a third party?" Palpatine asked.

"A third party? You mean...other than one of Jabba's bounty hunters?" Plo Koon asked.

"Precisely.  It''s too sloppy for a bounty hunter." Palpatine replied.

"Whom do you propose? Fisto asked.

"Well I-" Palpatine began before being interrupted.

"The CIS." Anakin spoke up.

"Who?" Plo Koon asked.

"The CIS. New federal organization. The Confederacy of Independent Systems...Separatists." Aalya Secura said with a roll of her eyes.

"Yeah. They ARE rivals to us after all...Republic...Separatists...not a good match." Shaak Ti said.

"Think they're after our resources or something possibly?" Luminara Unduli asked.

"Hmm...perhaps..."Yoda said curiously.

"A look wouldn't hurt." Mace Windu said.

"What do you suggest Master Windu?" Palpatine asked.

"A search. Have two of our jedi inspect it. Find out some stuff. Maybe see if they have any connection to the bombings." Windu replied.

"Two jedi? How about Anakin and Obi-Wan?" Palpatine asked.

Yoda and Mace looked at one another.

"Why?" Mace asked.

"They wouldn't expect too much from a simple master and an apprentice as young as this young Skywalker." Palpatine said, looking at Anakin with a strange luminous smile.

"Sure...why not?" Anakin asked.

"Then Anakin and Obi-Wan it shall be." Yoda said.

"Ah yes. I will prepare your ship. Good luck." Palpatine said, walking out of the door of the Council room.

"Anakin...Obi-Wan...are you okay with this" Mace asked, grabbing Anakin's attention.

"We will do whatever we can Master Windu." Obi-Wan said.

"Ready they are. Dark forces behind all of this...I seek." Yoda said.

"I do too Master Yoda....we will catch them." Obi-Wan said.

"Thank you Master Yoda." Anakin said, bowing to the council as they left the room.

Anakin and Obi-Wan made it to the landing pad. They now had on their long brown robes as opposed to their normal attire. The Chancellor waited for them as they walked out to the landing pad.

Obi-Wan shook the Chancellor's hand as did Anakin.

"Good luck Master Kenobi and young Skywalker. Be very careful." Palpatine said.

"Yes Chancellor." Anakin nodded with a smile.

"Thank you Chancellor..."Obi Wan said, cupping chancellor's hands over top of one another and patting the fist that was on top of the other.

"May the force be with you Chancellor." He said kindly.

"May the force be with YOU Master Kenobi." Palpatine nodded with a smile.

Obi-Wan let go as him and Anakin moved their way up the ramp of their transport ship to leave for Geonosis.

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