Chapter Fourteen:

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Chapter Fourteen:
Palpatine stood in his pod in front of the Senate. He took a breath.

"Despite the Sith getting away and escaping....eighty-five percent of the factories WERE indeed destroyed. And now we have a sent out a special Delta Squadron of Clone Troopers to liberate the remaining factories across the galaxy. Whether they succeed or still to be seen. But right now...we have officially won the first battle of the Clone Wars." Palpatine said as the Senators cheered. Elsewhere, Anakin and Obi-Wan stand in front of the council.

"The death of master Fisto is unfortunate...however...there is light in the darkness." Yoda said.

"Tomorrow we will have a funeral for Master Kit Fisto but we will also have a celebration....for the two of YOU." Yoda said, with a warming smile on his face.

"For...for us?" Anakin asked.

"Yes. Because after watching your honor. How you've evolved in your graceful you were with your fighting...the things you did, willing to risk your life for the clones...for everyone's will be appointed the title...of Jedi Knight." Yoda said.

A bright smile came across the face of Anakin.

"And you...master will be appointed to the title of master on the jedi council in place of master fisto." Yoda said with a warming smile.

They both bowed to them.

"Thank you Master taught me everything I know." Obi-Wan said.

"Thank you...greatly." Anakin said.

"Welcome. You are." Yoda kindly replied.

Darth Maul in his secret chambers walked up to center concrete circular pad. He knelt at it.

"My master....." he said.

A large holographic image of the black hooded figure that had talked to Poggle showed up. Nothing but his chin could be seen.

"Darth....Maul." He said.

"Master....I ask for more training....I held my own.......but I must learn to defeat them." Maul asked, bowing his head.

"Your wish...shall be apprentice....." Sidious said in a sly snake like voice as the image dissolved.

Palpatine pulled Anakin into his office. They sat down.

" showed you were a great leader." he began.

"So Anakin....I grant you your own squadron of clones....the 501st Legion......." Palpatine said.

"Really? Oh thank you." Anakin said, shaking Palpatine's hand.

"You leave in two days with the Legion to fight the second battle in the Clone Wars. Good luck." He said, thanking him.

Anakin shook his hand, thanking him again and he left.

"No...thank you." Palpatine said with a strange smile coming over his face as Anakin walked out.

On the outskirts of Coruscant was the giant Star Destroyer. Chancellor Palpatine greeted them goodbye to Anakin on their travels and Anakin shakes his hand goodbye as the clones load up, walking up the large ramp into the Star Destroyer. Anakin pulled up the hood on his brown robe as he waved goodbye to Padme, Bail, and Obi-Wan and Rex followed behind them as the Chancellor moved away from the large Star Destroyer over by Obi-Wan as the Star Destroyer lifted up out of the large meadow and flew into hyperspeed away into the sky with nothing but one last twinkle of light as they disappeared going for a new destination yet to be known.

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