Chapter Nine:

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Chapter Nine:
Bail, cape flying behind him and Anakin and Obi-Wan running behind him, boots clacking on the floors sprinted out to a hangar of ships. Obi-Wan and Bail jumped in the front seats of the land speeder and Anakin in the back. The hangar doors flew open, and Bail sped out, the speeder shooting out quickly from the front doors. They saw battle droids moving quickly through the large grassy meadow. The droids tried moving toward the palace but the speeder moved close. They were trying to foil their plans.

"Where is Padme and the others right now?" Anakin asked, leaning up to Bail.

"In a meeting with the Advisors in the Palace...." Organa said.

"There are hundreds of them." Obi-Wan said as the droids began to fire at them. Droideka's rolled out as they barged toward the palace. Their protective bubbles formed around them as they fired at Bail. Bail swerved the blasts best he could. He handed a blaster back to Anakin.

"Here!" he shouted, handing it back.

Anakin pulled the trigger and fired, blaster fire phasing past their speeder. Anakin ducked, fire flying over his head. Bail moved full force toward the droids. The front of the ship took heavy fire from different varieties of droids. Anakin looked over the edge of the ship and fired. He dropped several of the skinny battle droids, knocking them to the ground. Bail twisted the speeder around, ramming straight into the droideka's, sending them back, causing them to explode, bursting into flames. Obi-Wan quickly shot up his hands, pushing the fire around the speeder as they spun out of control, black smoke rolling off of the front of the front of the speeder. Anakin and Bail ducked their heads as the speeder turned and rolled over. Anakin shielded his head as did Bail. The speeder rolled and flipper over on its side. They hung sideways out of the ship. Bail had a bloody cut on his head. Anakin was draped over the side of the speeder. Obi-Wan breathed hard. Black smoke rolled around the speeder from the front of it into their faces, covering the ship. They heard clanking. Steps moving toward the ship. Obi-Wan through the black glaze of smoke watched battle droids tall and large move toward their ship. They were right outside of the Palace. They were so close.  Anakin felt it. Chills ran down his arm. His robotic hand twitched. Bail reached over slowly, hang tingling, grabbing the blaster from the back seat from Anakin. The droids drew their blasters. Ready to fire at any sight of movement but the thick glaze of black smoke covered them and rolled all around the ship. A high cloud of it.

"Guys. Detach your belts. Drop down out of the seats. The smoke ought to cover us long enough...Obi-Wan...I'll force push the speeder into the air. Throw your saber, cut the power line, we will blow up the ship. Then we just fight our way into the palace." Anakin said.

"Anakin that is madness! We will be executed!" Obi-Wan said.

"Obi-Wan...just trust you always do...the force is with us." Anakin said.

"The force is with us." Obi-Wan repeated with a warm smile.

They dropped out of their seats and rolled. They crouched on their knees. Anakin struck fast, throwing out his wide spread prosthetic hand, using the force to push the large speeder upward, in the air. It spun upward, the black smoke rolling around them, Obi-Wan stood up, igniting his blue blade. The droids heard the roar of the blade and saw it ignite. They took aim, all of them. Obi-Wan threw his blade as the speeder spun around to the undercarriage of it. The blade slashed the undercarriage, flying back into Obi-Wan's enclosed hand. The speeder burst into flames, they all ducked, debris flying around them. The droids began to fire wildly, the ones that weren't destroyed in the explosion which was a majority of a group that surrounded them. They stood back to back, crouched down, debris flying around them. Anakin ignited his blade. He closed his eyes. Not able to fully see the enemies. He let the force guide him. He felt it flow through him. He blocked the blaster fire left. Right. Low hooked his blade, blocking a blast, he swung up and around blocking the blaster fire again. Obi-Wan swung his blade as well so gracefully. The force guided him as well but he didn't need to feel it. His experience alone helped him. The speeder rolled. It was on fire and the black smoke from rolled around them. Bail fired his blaster. He had a better view of their enemies as the smoke rolled around them. Bail shot down several Droid enemies. Skinny ones....the bulky black tall ones. Many enemies. Anakin swung wide and slashed across the abdomen of one Droid cutting it in half. He spun around and stabbed straight through another. Obi-Wan in unicen cut one's head straight off. Bail pulled a grenade from his belt.

"Go!" Bail shouted, throwing the grenade in front of him.

They turned and ran from it as blaster fire from the remaining droids phased by them as they sprinted away from the grenade. It detonated behind them, dirt and fire getting flung into the air, blowing up sky high as they made their way into the palace, the rest of the droids being destroyed.
They made their way down the hall, sprinting hard toward the throne room. The blast doors opened and they saw tables flipped over. Silver chalices on the floor with emptied drinks. They saw battle droids holding blasters up to the Queen and to Padme, the beauty Anakin saw in his dreams. She looked just like she did in the dream but only even more beautiful. In her long red dress that flowed on the floor. It was a low swooping V-neck just like in the dream that exposed cleavage. She had long curly brown hair like in the dream. And the shawl over her arms that sagged down her arms now. Droids forced them out of the room as Maul. And his brute of an apprentice made their way into the room. They snarled at Anakin and Obi-Wan. They stood across the room from them and Bail. Anakin and Obi-Wan ignited their blue blades. The sith ignited their red, double sided blades. They sprinted across the room at one another. Maul swung wide at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan blocked his blade with his own. Maul came around with his other blade and blocked it as well, sparks flying from the clash of their blades. The yellow zabrak swung at Anakin. Anakin ducked, catching him with a kick to the side. Anakin clinched his blade tight as the zabrak came around with his blade. Anakin blocked it. He threw him back a bit, catching him a bit off guard with a force push. He spun around, and swung downward towards the brute's blade. He blocked the strike with his blade. The brute force pushed Anakin backward. Obi-Wan moved his blade in a downward stroke. Maul blocked it. Obi-Wan swung back upward for another swing to be blocked by Maul. Maul's face grew angered. He was irritated. He swung hard and quick, bashing Obi-Wan's blade. Obi-Wan blocked. He swung hard again with aggression. They clashed blades with more sparks flying off of the blade. Obi-Wan got caught off guard. Maul swung his blade. Obi-Wan ducked and came back up for an elbow to the face from Maul. He fell to the ground hard. The brute swung his blade around at Anakin. The brute swung hard with aggression and Anakin ducked. He came around again with a swing. Anakin flipped backward, the blade crossing over Anakin's waist as he flipped backward and landed on his feet then spiraled around in a flip. He landed on his feet again and swung his blade upward blocking his blade again, moving out of the sight of his eyes. He force pushed him backward again. Maul cut in, jumping in the middle, back flipping in between them. He swung around himself and clashed blades with Anakin. Anakin swung his blade under Maul's as they swung around, spinning in a circle. They both flipped as Anakin turned, blocking the brute's blade. Maul ran for Anakin. He lifted his blade away from the brute's. He tossed his blade from his prosthetic hand into his normal hand where he swung it upward, blocking Maul's blade. The brute came at him hard. Anakin stuck up his prosthetic arm and caught the hilt of the blade with his robotic hand. He snarled at the brute. Maul lifted his blade off of Anakin's. Anakin turned his attention to Maul, his hand leaving the hilt of the brute's saber. The brute hit him in the back of the head as he fell to the ground. Knocked out. Blaster fire suddenly went off. Parts of droids flew into the room Bail drew his blaster as Padme ran in, the V shape that ran up the side of her right leg on her dress, exposing her bare leg had an empty holster on it where she had originally held  the blaster she now held in her hands. A royal guard ran in behind her with his blaster drawn as well. They were all pointed at Maul and his apprentice. 

Maul chuckled.

"Hm...cute." he said as he ripped their blasters from their hands with the force with impact.

It took their breaths away.

"My name is Darth Maul and this is my apprentice Darth Brutus....and we only have one demand." Maul snarled.

"Which is?" Bail asked.

"Die." Maul said.

Maul threw his blade. The lightsaber sliced across the chests of all of the royal guards but before it reached Padme and Bail Organa, Anakin leapt to his feet, not allowing his vision to become reality. He flipped in the way and caught the blade, landing on his feet and standing up, glaring across the room at Maul. Brutus stepped back as Maul pulled the blade from Anakin's hands with the force. Anakin pulled his own blade from his belt and ignited it while standing directly in front of Padme. The two charged for one another as they clashed sabers together and came face to face with scowls on their faces, snarling at one another with pure

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