Chapter Thirteen:

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Chapter Thirteen:
Anakin moved his way to the hangar. He pointed up to a sniper spot overlooking the hangar to Rex. Rex nodded to his commands and pulled the sniper off his back and climbed up the ladder to the sniper nest. Anakin's brown robe blew in the wind as he held out his hand and opened the hangar doors. He moved into the hangar, Maul and Windu were fighting on the opposite side of the hangar and Obi-Wan and Brutus moved closer as their duel went on toward the hangar doors. Anakin threw off his robe. He joined the fight, clashing blades with Brutus. Brutus threw Obi-Wan off as Anakin swung wide. Brutus backed up, narrowly blocks his blade. He spun his blade around as Obi-Wan ran up and blocked his blade as well. They came into a bind, sparks flying off of their blades. Obi-Wan kicked Brutus in the side. He kicked him in the knee, dislocating it. Anakin ran, flipping backward over his back and sticking his blade through his chest, stabbing him, impaling him through the chest. He fell forward to the ground. He dropped. They all charged at Maul. Maul force pushed Windu back. Anakin swung his blade at Maul, Maul ducking. Maul clashed blades with Anakin. He turned, clashing blades with Obi-Wan too. He held his blades in a bind with them both. He pushed them off slightly, ducking a slash near his head from Windu. Windu flipped over Maul and landed on his feet. Maul swung wild. Windu flipped backward and landed on his feet. Maul swung again and Mace did a spiral corkscrew flip in the air as well, landing on his feet. Obi-Wan and Anakin ran for him. Maul threw back his blade,blocking both blades. He threw them back and spun around, spinning the blade around in his hand. He stabbed forward at Mace, jabbing at his blade. He force pushed him back. He spun around, spinning the blade over his head and in his hand. He clashed blades with Anakin and spun around, flipping his blade from under Anakin's and he spun around and grabbed Obi-Wan with the force by the chest and tossed him against the wall. He dropped down to the ground, bouncing off of the wall. Mace ran at Maul. Maul without looking force pushed Anakin back, holding his blade clenched in his hand and then he force pushed Mace away into the wall. Anakin stood up and clinched his blade in his hand. Anakin charged toward Maul. He lifted his blade and clashed downward hard on Maul's blade. Sparks flew off of his blade. Maul kept blocking Anakin's lightsaber each time he bashed it downward at his and it clashed together. Anakin started beating downward on his blade hard with large amounts of aggressiveness. Maul force pushed him backward. He spun his blade around above his head and he slashed it downward. Anakin swung upward, narrowly blocking the blade. Maul began bashing as hard as he could down on his blade. Sparks popped largely off of the blades clashing. Maul spun around. He moved his blade downward as Anakin slid his blade upward. He slashed the hilt in half. Maul stumbled backward Anakin elbowed him in the face. Maul stumbled backward.

"Rex now!" Anakin shouted.

A red laser from the sniper pointed at Maul's chest. Rex fired.The blaster fire caught Maul directly in the chest and Maul fell like a rock to the ground, holding his hand on his chest. Obi-Wan and Mace slowly stumbled up. They grabbed Maul and picked him up. They grabbed his hands, about to put him in metal binders when in all of his rage Maul force pushed all three of them backward. Maul grabbed all three of them with the force. He began choking them with the force and proceeded to electrocute them with the force. Rex fumbled with the gun trying to reload. Maul force pushed them backward into the wall. The hit the wall and hit the ground hard. Maul looked up and saw Rex, throwing the gun from his hands and pulling him down from the sniper best with the force. Mace, Obi-Wan, and Anakin stumbled up as Maul grabbed Brutus. A dropship landed at the hangar entrance. Maul pulled Brutus toward the ship as he limped. Both of them limped away. They stepped onto the dropship and grabbed the handles that hung down. The ship lifted and turned away as Mace, Obi-Wan, and Anakin all used the force to stop the ship. They held it in place and began holding the ship back. They began pulling back down, pulling it toward the entrance of the hangar. The droid in the driver's seat then pushed up the lever, kicking it into hyperspeed as they escaped and vanished into the distance and disappeared away into the sky with one last twinkle of light.

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