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It was a new day for me. The sun could not have shone brighter, the weather perfect, though by nature i didn't believe in things being perfect but today changed my mind.

It was going to be a fresh start for me, new home, new school, new friends hopefully what else could i ask for?

The bus was almost full and with me joining it remained just two people left.
I said hi to my partner before plugging in my favourite pink ear piece; the song beautiful pain by Eminem was playing and i let the song sooth me. It had a way of getting to you and you just feel like letting go.

The sign read 10km to mainstream town, a smile creased my lips and i closed my eyes letting go and hoping for a new life.

I guess i must have slept off because the next thing i was waking up to was a screeching sound as the driver tried swerving to the other side of the road. There was an incoming trailer coming towards us, i could hear colourful curse words, some muttering prayers, some calling on different gods to save them, some calling d ambulance. My eyes were still blurry as i tried rubbing off the sleep from my eyes with the hope that.....

I could see my aunt on the chair kissing me goodbye, my sis laughing with milo crunchies in her mouth, me sitting on my bed thinking of Jacob while making pros and Cons for breaking up with him, wishing i hadn't, lots of things flashing in my mind.

My name is maria Zachary and this is my story.

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