day2 in vet sch

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No one told me that being a vet is going to be so difficult requiring lots of effort, hard work, energy and determination but i was prepared to do anything to achieve my goal.
I wheeled into my lecture room and as usual took my seat at the back.
Today's lecture was on the respiratory system. My lecturer has usual began by introducing himself and telling us about the functions of the respiratory system. 

"The respiratory system has several functions; it helps in olfaction, phonation and vocalisation, humidification of air, regulation of body temp but above all transportation of oxygen and carbon di oxide", the man said before projecting the picture of the respiratory tract in dogs.  I could see a lot of things and identify most of them though some were looking strange. The lecture continued for another one hour before the man took his leave.

The next lecture was interesting as it was my soon to be favorite course,  i had read as much as i could from the lecture note i had been given courtesy our level adviser. The part for discussion was the different types of joints and i was extremely surprised when Dr Tobias not only remembered my name but called me to answer the question he had asked.

The day went on like that with we having different lectures like; avian anatomy,  renal physiology.
By the time i got home all i wanted was to crawl into my cozy bed and just fall asleep, which unfortunately i could not because i still had to study and do assignment.

I switched on the tv to watch my favourite family show "blackish", however as i was changing the channel,  something caught my eye, making me go go back.
"The memorial for the 50 bus seater accident is scheduled for this Sunday, 16th of April, 2017. Father Abraham has been appointed to conduct the mass while the parents are also going to say their final good bye. The bus accident which was said to have killed everyone in the bus, except one person whose name shall not be disclosed is still under investigation, assumptions was that it was a gang war gone wrong while others assume that it was as a result of being at the right place at the wrong time.
Moving on, the Missipi police station is under investigation after three successful armed robbery took place in it................
I stared at the tv with my mind far away,  it was hard to believe that a memorial was scheduled for them; the people i had plowed the bus with,  i can't tell whether I was blessed,  cursed or just had some luck whether good or bad.  It was had to believe i was alive while the rest were far beneath the earth. I sighed and wheeled my chair to my room and began my assignment,  browsing the internet at intervals and trying to concentrate, which was hard because my mind kept going back to the memorial and the news.  The cops didn't have any leads, to them it was just a random case,  they could not develop emotion towards the case because they would lose their cool  but............ I just didn't understand anymore,  tears dropped from my eyes,  at first in drops but then once i started i couldn't stop it from i cried for me who was alive but relieved the memories of that accident over and over again, for them who could never come back because they were dead,  for their parents who had to live with the guilt, the pain, the sadness...................

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