day 2 in vet school

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My alarm had refused to wake me up or maybe it was just me that didn't hear it, either way i was late for school. I quickly had my bath and wore my dress. This morning i had picked a simple blue gown , with a black shoe and bag. I ate my breakfast which God bless aunt Alice had left for me on the table with a note telling me she would be back later this night. With food in my belly and my hand bag, i closed the door and hurried off to school.

The lecture for the day had already started,  it was vpb203 also known as renal physiology thought by Dr Benjamin, he had a scary look and though he attempted to be friendly yesterday i doubted he would be pleased with me coming late.  I stared at my wrist watch and bit my lips while weighing my options, i could enter and hope he doesn't chase me out or just wait for the class to end. After wasting another 5minutes, i knocked the door and wheeled myself in.
" just turn back and start going", the doc replied while turning. With a sad face i began trying to reverse out of the class,
"oh its you, come in", he said trying to smile.
I murmured a thank you and entered the class.

The glomerular filtration rate is the amount of filtrate that is released out of the body per minute. There are different factors that affect the glomerular filterability, Marcus could you mention some of them............

The next class was van 201, taken by Dr Tobias, he continued from where he stopped the first day,  asking briefly questions from the previous lecture. In between the lecture,  i was excused on the basis that the dean wants to see me.

As i walked towards the office i took deep breaths and counted to ten over and over again. I knocked the door and waited for him to ask me to come in.
I took another deep breath and walked in, there were five people sitting on the table, some wearing black while others had black as part of their clothing.

“Maria, i know seeing us is a reminder of the tragedy that occurred some months back but we are holding a memorial at the St. Francis church and we thought we should invite you, to say your good byes and move on, we think it might help all of us to move on,  they would always be in our heart and no matter what they can never be forgiven but........”
I could not bear it again I started crying, “I would come, what time is it”
“early morning mass, 7 am”
“okay,  I would come and.... Am really sorry for your loss,  I hope the lord grants them peace ”
“Amen ”
With that,  I wheeled my chair out of the office and towards the class with lots of thoughts going through my mind......

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