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Israel's POV

I was sitting in the living room of my dorm, waiting on Alessio's call. He called and told me to wait by the phone. So here i am, like he asked. I hate being someone else little puppy, but I would do anything for Storm. I've been saying that a lot, but it's true, Storm is and will always be my everything. I love her. She might hate me right now, but that won't last for long, I will regain her trust. I will be be with her, no matter what, and that puddle that is trying to take her away for me, can die.

Ring- Ring- Ring


"Hello Israel."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Can't we just talk? Have a friendly conversation?" he joked.

Let's keep it strictly business. What do you want me to do?" I asked again.

"I like that attitude. I need for you to go to the St. Vincent's Hospital and check up on my leverage."

"What do you mean by leverage?" I asked.

"Oh, you don't know? River, Kelsi and Liam are all at the hospital because Storm was hit by a car. She read your messages and ran away for River. You are partly to blame for this, as well as my nephew,but I want you to call back and report everything."

"WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, STORM GOT HIT BUT A CAR? why wasn't I told about this." Why didn't Liam call me? Was she ok? Will she have any scars? Will she need to be take care of? My mind was just racing with questions, hatred, and curiosity.

~~45 minutes later~~

As I walked through the sliding front doors, I spot Liam and River. When I reached them I punch River out of his chair.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" he said as he was getting up off the ground.

"How could you do this to Storm?"

"As you might know from experience, it really hard to hurt or betray Storm, because she doesn't deserve it, but you brought her into this. If you wouldn-."

"No, your uncle Alessio brought her into this. She had nothing to do with this, but he sent you after her."

"Wait, Alessio is you're fucking uncle!" Liam said in shock.

"Yes, my uncle is Alessio. Yes, he is a mafia leader, but let's put some of your faults on the table. Ooo like how you destroyed my uncle's club. Like how you might have child on the way, and like how Storm is going to be a mom."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm saying congratulations." he laughed.

"You little piece of shit!" I screamed before I kicked him in his knee cap. He got up and punched me in the stomach, then kicked me in the face. I stood back up, but before I could do anything Liam pulled me back.

"What the hell are you doing, Storm is in there, and you're out here fighting him. Wow I thought you were better, both of you, but you fooled me." Liam walk away.

I walked into the room, when I saw Storm, I started to cry. I haven't seen her in 3 months, she was so beautiful.

"S-Storm." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"I-Is-Israel, what are you doing here?" she said trying to get up. She always puts on a strong front, but I know she's in pain.

"I heard from... " I walked towards her. "It doesn't matter, as long as i'm her now. Storm, I am extremely sorry, I was wr-."

"I know you are, you don't have to say it anymore." she interrupted me. 

"What happened?" I asked

"What happened to your face?" she questioned.

"Well that puddle out there, and I had a little tussle. Nothing big." I explained. "What happened to you? How have you been? Do you forgive me and understand why I thought what I was doing was right?" I whispered the last question.

"I don't remember what exactly happened. I've been fine. Yes." she answered with a smile.


"Do you not want me to forgive you, because I don't have to."

"No, forgive me please. It's been so hard for me, not being able to talk to you, see you, or even call you. It looks like you haven't had the same problem."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"I'm just saying that you and River seem very happy."

"I was... until you sent those messages." she replied. "What made you think that I wanted to see them, that I wanted to know, that I even wanted to be in this mess?"

"So, you're blaming me for this, for all of this, wow, ok, I completely understand how this is my fault." I walked towards the door but I stopped when Kelsi spoke.

"How is this not your fault? You destroyed his club. You are the one he's actually after, but Storm was dragged into this. Look at her now. So how is this not your fault?"

"Kelsi, leave him alone." Storm said as I was about to open my mouth to reply.

"No, I want him to answer the damn question, and River can get in here and explain himself, too. It's about damn time for everyone to come clean."

"I know what I did was wrong. I am to blame for all of this. I stay away for you, Liam, and Storm, since i'm causing so many problems in your lives. IT'S MY FAULT. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!" I said to Kelsi before I walked out of the door.


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