Chapter 17

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We all got in our cars and headed to the funeral home.  I can't believe I'm heading to my third funeral.  Maybe more than that.  I was wearing the only black dress I owned, and I felt slutty because it hugged my thighs.  I couldn't help but to play with my hair in the car ride.  "Matthew?"

"Yeah, Cat?"  I looked over at Matt as he turned a corner and stopped.  He was wearing his button-up, long-sleeved black shirt that I bought for the first funeral.  He looked so good in it.  The black complemented the brown in his eyes.

"What happens if the media finds out about this?"  He looked over at me with sad eyes and sighed.  He placed his hand on my left thigh and rubbed.  He smiled and patted my thigh as he took his hand away.

"I promise I will do everything I can to keep them away, and to keep them from getting information about America."  I smiled at Matt.  I know he means what he says, so I'll trust him with his promise.


Matthew pulled the car into the parking lot, and when I looked out I could see the MTV van across the street.  "MTV is here," I said to Matt as I looked from him to the van then back at him.  He reached behind the seat and pulled out a walkie talkie.  Cameron and Matthew decided it was better to communicate through them than our phones whenever we have paparazzi.

"This is Dinosaur.  Come in Puma."

"Puma here," I heard Cameron reply.  They made up the stupidest nicknames.  "What is it Dino?"

"MTV van, 3 o'clock, from mine and KitKats position."

"Got it, Dino.  Puma out."

Matthew put the walkie talkie back behind the seat.  "Did you bring your hat?"

I pulled out a black sun hat and put it on.  Matthew reached for his black ball cap and put it on.  I opened the car door and kept my head down.  I closed the door behind me and headed to the door.  Matthew quickly caught up with me, and we opened the funeral home door's with me.  "Wait!  I have a few questions," I heard the reporter say.  I didn't turn around.  I just kept my eyes forward as the door closed.  I looked up and let out a sigh in relief.  I hate MTV.  They make everything sound worse than what it actually is.

"Come on. Let's go get ready for the visitors,"Matthew said.  He put his hand on my back and I walked into the room.  I stood near the front, and I started to shake.  I hate this already.


About 3 hours have passed, and I'm still going through this funeral. I don't want to be here at all.  I've been crying the whole time, and now I'm watching America being put 6 feet underground.  I've been holding Nash's hand the whole time.  For some reason, I've been so connected to him today.  It's probably because of the funeral, but it's still weird to me.

"I love you, America," I said through my tears.  They started to put dirt back in, and over my little girl's body.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I started to bawl and I ripped my hand out of Nash's.  Before I knew it, I was running towards the car.  I tripped over some holes or grass mounds a few times, but I never fell.  I kept going, and I felt my heart beat pick up and my breathing get more heavy.


I looked over and saw the MTV van sitting outside the graveyard gates.  I stopped for a moment to catch my breath.  My car was sitting on the other side of the street.  I knew we should've parked closer.  "What do you want,"  I asked through my pants.

"Where have you been all these months?  All of your fans want to know."

I looked at the reporter and the camera.  I hate all this, so it's time to end it.  "I've been dealing with real life problems.  Sorry if I displease the whole fucking world or my fans.  I actually have a life!  I actually have feelings!  I don't need you to be in every fucking decision I make.  This may be your job, but maybe your company should learn how to not make gossip and say the truth!"

The reporter just looked at me in astonishment.  I saw the camera turn, so I looked behind me and saw my family, the guys, and all my friends.  They just looked at me like I had turned into a monster or something.  I sighed and shook my head, and I walked off to the car.  I got in the car and so did Matthew.  I clicked my seat-belt in, and Matthew just sat there looking at me.  "Why did you say that stuff," he asked me.

"Because I'm tired of all the stupid bullshit and criticism about us.  We make mistakes like everyone else on this planet, but they make it seem like it's the end of the world.  It's madness, and I won't stand for it anymore!"

Matthew grabbed my head and pushed it towards his.  He kissed me deeply, and I could feel all the passion in it.  We kissed a few times before pulling away slowly.  "You are so hot when you're angry."

I laughed and he just pulled me in again and kissed me.  I saw flashes behind me, and I pulled away from Matthew quickly.  "Drive," I commanded.  He nodded, put on his seat-belt, and drove off towards the house.  In minutes, I felt my phone start buzzing a lot.  I pulled it out and read one of the posts I was tagged in by MTV.  "Breaking news:  Catherine Dallas is about to go after her next victim."

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